The One True Opinion


Lucas was going through a divorce; he had more to be mad about than Steve.

The difference is the guy's face looks like a wax sculpture melting in stop-motion, while all the bugs and guts in Doom are really there.

"i dreamt I was eating a really big marshmallow, and when I woke up, my wife was gone."

Shout didn't have the rights at the time; it was a Rhino release. My theory is that they pretty much left Rhino alone, and Rhino figured all the episodes were fair game. Then a Godzilla movie was released and Toho went "HEY."

I don't get it. Somehow TV programs about Nazis winning World War II aren't offensive but programs about the South winning the Civil War are? That makes no sense.

The Godzilla vs. Megalon episode was put on DVD accidentally and then recalled, so….at least one of those can technically be taken off the list, though you can't buy a used copy for less than a zillion bucks.

Whoosh! Right through the moon door!

Who else predicted that the Trump Administration would be a revolving door of one firing after another? It was too easy to see coming. The man was famous for firing people not too long ago.

Well, that's all you could ask for. Grrl rock should have lived forever.

OK, thank you.

"How is no one talking about the mass murder of the Freys?"
Because no one misses the Freys.

"You probably listen more so to the mainstream media, but I also watch conservative news"

Sounds like an Onion headline….wrong site….

You mean SU………………………….PERGROVER

Those jobs didn't happen because of Trump directly. They just happened while he was there. There ls little the President can actually do as an individual to poof jobs into being. Obama actually tried that with his "shovel-ready" initiative; it flopped and the Great Recession continued (which wasn't his fault either;

Perfect Strangers isn't. Until very recently that show was impossible to find. Apparently some music rights issues have finally been cleared up, because they've announced a continuation for the DVD sets too.

And "Going Places" is MIA.

Kaling's original title for this series was "It's Messy." Fox meddled and changed it to "The Mindy Project." She should have been allowed to keep the title; it would especially fit the show now.