The One True Opinion

I'm shocked "pos-mens" hasn't become a real corporate term by now.

I'm suffering more from "Secret Lives Of _____ Fatigue." I'm aware how every animal species, every household product, and every piece of electronic data is secretly alive and has its own society. I don't need it drilled into my head anymore. I get it, okay?

The problem is, thanks to Silicon Valley, I can't picture him saying anything without a giant bong below his face. Everything he says, I assume he is high on weed saying. It kinda takes the edge off.

Quickly. It was greenlit about two years ago and most animated movies take four years. Flat spheres don't take long to render I guess. Believe it or not, there was actually a bidding war between SEVERAL studios for the rights to make a movie about emojis. Sony was the highest bidder.

Don't see: The Lawnmower Man

I don't think so. Woody at first was done by Mel Blanc, and then he was done by Walter Lantz's wife.

She was also Karen from Frosty the Snowman for exactly one airing before they redubbed her lines with an actual kid. You can still hear Foray on the record version.

I'm the guy who scrolled through this whole thing hoping to see a Freakazoid thumbnail, and "Bonjour Lobey" mentioned specifically. Looks like Warner and I were on the same page. He was given a broad question of all his voice acting roles and that one came to mind first. :)

If newspapers still existed, and journalism was a high-paying career, Rabin would by now be one of those super-columnists who writes from his penthouse in New York City, provides commentary on Meet The Press and gets satirized in "Bloom County."

You joke, but the Atomic Blonde Cinematic Universe coming in a couple years will probably have both these characters.

I liked the trailer; before this I assumed there was no possible way Depeche Mode could be used to score an action movie.

It's not the same thing; no one watched 70's live-action Disney movies. Disney was the laughingstock of Hollywood back then; they weren't huge like they are now.

"There's nothing stupider than an educated man after you get him off the subject he was educated on." —Will Rogers

People who make money….know how to make money. That's it. They can't write, nor can they come up with decent ideas. This has been a problem for a long time, and it could be lessened if actual writers decided what kind of movies to make, but that will never happen. As long as the old way makes enough money, it'll be

A fetish is either there or it isn't. If you browse around Deviantart for about ten minutes you see every fetish known to man, usually illustrated using popular corporate IPs. I stumbled on a sequential art piece (later removed) depicting Supergirl sinking into quicksand step by step until she finally inhaled mud and

I have yet to meet a white Christian male who's okay with the concept of chipping people.

King of the Hill
Family Guy
American Dad
Bob's Burgers
Spongebob Squarepants
Adventure Time
Regular Show
The Amazing World of Gumball
10,000 other examples I have no time to type out

In Paul's case it looks like it already happened. And I'm willing to bet he was the one holding the shovel in the first place.

This is just the beginning. This decade has finally found its Barney — a public figure incredibly irritating to everybody but the small subset he caters to. Once everybody decided they hated Barney the Dinosaur, he was elevated from lowly early-morning PBS figure to national icon.

Trey is aware he doesn't fit into the modern day's hyper-sensitive culture the way he did in the 90's hyper-cynical culture. Says he's expecting the nation to turn on them any day. And he may not be wrong — you can feel the froth in the article above; it's going to reach a boiling point.