The One True Opinion


That's the only good example you can think of?

Wynonna and Waverly have the kind of chemistry where they could basically be doing anything and the show would still be entertaining. They could be working the assembly line at a brewery, they could be forensic investigators, they could be plumbers — and it would still work. They just happen to be supernatural monster

"if it works for one season, put it on for seven."

They're picking up "Bad Santa" in August. Oooookay.

What happened to Better Things anyway? It's been a year since Season 1, and not a peep from Season 2.

A completely different universe….kinda like Mutant X….uh-oh….

Or you can watch "Krypton" and see absolutely nobody with superpowers at all.

Does anybody win Pulitzers anymore? Or if they do, are they giving them to web writers now? It has to be one or the other….the profession has kind of lost its prestige.

"Televised Scrabble honestly doesn’t sound that intriguing"
…..You do realize a TV version of Scrabble has already aired? It went on for several years in syndication during the 80's.

It's more like "city folk vs. country folk" now.

Obviously the song is being saved for Toy Story 4.

That was too easy. I should have specified, hard to find other employment when being an idiot is your only skill and you are NOT already rich.

So basically, humanity will always freak out over anything as long as it's popular with young people but not with them. The object in question can be anything, literally ANYTHING, even a stupid spinny gizmo, and a section of the population will go ballistic and fear it — guaranteed.

When this guy crashes and burns it's going to be messy. People will only pay you to act like an idiot for so long — eventually they dump you, and it's hard to find other employment when being an idiot is your only skill.

I know exactly the shirt you're talking about. Instead of "NO FEAR," it said "FEAR NOT."

Good. I'm tired of bladder-endurance blockbusters that wear out their welcome long before their three hours are up. It used to be that most movies were around 90 minutes long.

Oh gosh, I hope we don't get those kind of hyper-annoying sproingy special effects that were prevalent in turn-of-the-millennium Disney flicks like Inspector Gadget and My Favorite Martian. At the very least, we better not get a scene where Aladdin and Genie are stuck in a toilet and a fat man is about to poop on them.

The worst haircut I ever had was given to me by a barber who knew about five words of English. I was still a kid so the pick wasn't my choice.

Disney only has themselves to blame if that's the case. It went to DVD in 2004 and wasn't rereleased in any form until 2015 (and quietly at that). It also has a different logo on the box, my theory being they wanted something less Arabic-looking. That pale Jasmine they've got up there boosts the theory.