The One True Opinion

So we've already seen every joke Balthazar Bratt makes just from the trailers….he really has no other material? Not even a Bernie Goetz reference?

Illumination is owned by Comcast, and Comcast doesn't care WHO it offends, so…..

If they have someone like Rodriguez, and they would really rather let her walk then give her a role where her talent is actually used, these films truly have no brain.

It is; we found out about it last May. Maybe this is an update — maybe it wasn't officially greenlit yet…

Clicked expecting an entire museum devoted to the 1985 movie "Lucas"

Cast Ed Sheeran then.

TECHNICALLY, but nothing in that show was the tiniest bit relevant to pop culture by 1996.

Saved By The Bell is 80's, and loudly so.

Has potential. Also, as someone who was a teen in the late 90's in Portland, I will know if they get a single thing wrong.

That's a prototype. Someone who worked for Argonaut confirmed a much better version was finished but was never released.

Nerp, nerp, nerp. White cells and muscles are completely different things. You do not need to "exercise" white cells to keep them working. Also, vaccines are literally a dead version of the virus itself, which the white cells attack, causing immunity to the live version. So…no need to actually get it if there's a

They are, and it will use the Super Famicom shell.

Time travel is the one thing I let slack. Technically after you introduce the ability to travel through time, the characters should never have any problems again, for they can just go back and undo them. This never happens, for good reason. It's a small logical price to pay for the temporal shenanigans you want.

Star Fox 2? Oh that's mean! I'll never find this…..
…oh yeah, the ROM will appear online in about two seconds after release….

In 1997 JK Rowling appeared on 60 Minutes. The next day I went to the bookstore and bought a copy of Sorcerer's Stone. I read one chapter, then it sat there on my bookshelf for ten entire years. When the movies got all the way up to Deathly Hallows I thought "I better get to reading that thing, this is my last chance"

Upvoted just for the wordplay at the end.

Mass popularity is given at random.

It was prevalent in the 1950's.

News that is fake exists and is a real problem in this day and age. Yet when one of the most loathed people on the planet made it his buzzword, no one else wanted to talk about it. This is a problem. We need to call fake news when we see it; it can be dangerous.

I'm sad to report they're building new ones without electronics sections at all. That sucks.