The One True Opinion

Oh, I gotta watch this. I loved that electronics department. I hope there are glamour shots of the Nintendo games rack!

The Metrics said no. We do not question the will of the Metrics.

Or kaleidoscope scenes with millions of M&Ms.

I feel the same way about "I'm Gonna Run To You," which is a cheating song where the guy clearly states he has no problems in his perfect marriage at all, and fully admits he's using the other woman for the sex. Eeeeugh. The melody is great, but the man is such a douche I want him dead.

I have no interest in gritty superhero comics, with the exception of "The Punisher Vs. Bill Cosby." I would buy the crap out of that even if it was $10.

Not entirely true. Everybody who has ever signed a contract to use a company's services that contained an arbitration clause cannot sue that company ever. This applies to….most companies these days.

Please — barely anyone cares THAT MUCH about Assassin's Creed: Origins, the billionth game in a billion-game-long series. It would be like freaking out over a Big Mac. And don't get me started on that old "barely any women go to E3" chestnut. Really?

Wake me up when September ends.

"Familiarity is the enemy of horror."
This is something I wish Ridley Scott would realize. He's ruining the Aliens by explaining them.

What exactly did them in?

This is hilarious if you imagine Reginald VelJohnson actually saying it.

Maximum Clonage, the sequel to Maximum Carnage with 80% more clones.

I was under the impression this was a one-time deal. There's no Kickstarter for another season, after all.

Like the new health care plan, we won't truly know what's been changed until it's too late.

Everything you need to know about the state of modern journalism is summed up in that headline. It didn't need to be negative, but now everything does.

Cat Farris is there every year at Portland's Comic-Con in the Artist's Alley. We are going to have a chat about this one, believe me.

I've been thinking for months that Netflix could get a leg up on conventional kids television by exploiting the streaming format in ways they can't match, like possibly making the shows interactive. Looks like they had that same thought. I don't think a Puss in Boots CYOA is what America's children are demanding,

Makes sense that the streaming channel without "flix" in its name has significantly more movies than the one who does.

I won't lie — it's going to be weird watching the Games without being bombarded with people going "bah-bah-bah-bah-baaaaaaa" every ten minutes.

You know what's a really great word? "Shampoo." Just rolls off the tongue.