The One True Opinion

That's what Trump keeps saying, anyway.

I never, ever noticed it until you pointed it out.

There's an article on iO9 today about the Bumblebee movie being set in the 80's and some moron said "You can't set a movie in the 80's anymore, only people in their forties care about that."

Wait, why'd I just upvote that? You told me I suck!

Meanwhile Inside Out, Finding Dory and Moana were rated PG for…..reasons.

Why are so many of these commenters hot for Six? And what kind of a name is Six anyway?

He can't do the Urkel voice anymore.

That would've been fun. Alas both those genres are too niche for the trailer park demo that summer reality chases.

She was just on "Dancing With The Stars," I'm told for about one episode.

Didn't the original "Battle" use a cast that was current? I know, there wasn't as much TV history to pick from, but still. You can see the penny-pinching that went into picking this cast.

I've never heard the name "Corinne" pronounced out loud. This looks like a good place to solve that mystery. Is it "Coreen" or "Core-in"?

The problem is whenever MJ is not onscreen, a large portion of the viewing audience will be saying, "Where's MJ?"

Now that you bring all this up, I realize Joe MacMillan probably invented Kinja.

Today it's just EA. The real meat begins tomorrow with Microsoft.

I'm gonna miss our repartee when the entirety of the AV Club comment section gets converted to Kinja in a few weeks. I am not lying. Scroll down to the end of this article:

I'm not watching one more episode until Joe MacMillan explodes in a ball of fire. He's one of the most irritating characters I've ever seen and I cannot take any more of him.

Ballistic was shelved for a while and the game came out something like a year before the movie did; it was just called "Ecks Vs. Sever" and had illustrations of the characters instead of cast photos. And indeed, it was the GBA's first FPS and sold solely because of that. Later on when the movie did come out they

Oh man, that aired on a local station one lazy summer afternoon when I was a kid, and I only remember a few key scenes, some of which I'm not certain are actually in it. Is there really a bit toward the end where she's in a hamster cage running on a wheel while the bad guy cackles at her? And was the bad guy a robot?

I was disturbed by Folks! to be honest. The abuse that guy takes is more tragic than funny.

I was distubed by Folks! to be honest. The abuse that guy takes is more tragic than funny.