The One True Opinion

When you consider the Boy's Locker Room state of the comics industry in the 90's and 2000's, the fact that a plus-size woman can maintain her own self-titled book means things have changed significantly and the market is finally opening up. Long overdue.

Are these even the same people? It sounds like a Chinese company just bought the name and the Bubsy brand.

Bubsy's gonna be our next president, isn't he?

Ventura was also on an episode of Small Wonder. I'm not joking and if you can find the episode, it's as surreal as you might think.

I have it and I love it. Most of the channels I care about, a bottomless cloud DVR and smooth navigation. But I'm using a PS4 to watch it. YMMV on an app.

Not surprising. People weren't going to stand getting jerked around by monopolies forever. I wonder if said monopolies will ever figure out that's the reason.

Then how did DC get away with making this character canon in their universe? The DC Isis barely looks any different. Same crown 'n all.

I haven't seen the show in a while. is she still a rich CEO? There's the explanation.

Who started it? DC had an Isis comic going at the same time as the show. Both characters wore the exact same outfit.…

is this really the same Isis from the 70's TV series? Because it sounds like it.

What will save the DVD market is Netflix getting rid of everything but its own content. They just announced they're dumping Futurama next month.

Who're you callin' a cootie queen, you lint LICKer?

"Pardon my French, but you're an IDIOT!" —broadcast version of Ferris Bueller

That was the question I came to ask. How are they going to make that one friendly for the sheltered audiences that want these things?

Haven't they tried to get a live-action Bebop off the ground before? I'll believe this when I see it.

I was hoping this was an actual couch gag, and that it finally got anime right — this show has always gotten anime parodies wrong even to this day; their references are about 30 to 40 years out of date. No, Al, Godzilla is not an anime character….

Being negative about Ghostbusters in any way put you in the same league as MRAs. But nobody seems to have a problem with WW, so the claws are out.

I don't remember them having sex, I just remember them kissing. Once.

It's too profitable.

No, they do not.