The One True Opinion

Now I realize we can blame our modern epidemic of bulimia on Shaggy. In fact we can blame all cases of bulimia in the last 48 years on Shaggy! My eyes have been opened!

I remember the popular reaction to this. Still baffles me.

People have assured me a Family Matters revival can never happen because Jaleel White is no longer capable of performing the Urkel voice. Doesn't stop the nightmares though.

When I picture in my head the figure who has to be picking these targets for leakage, I keep seeing a short green alien from the Planet Irk and his goofy robot sidekick.

At this point just pull a Newhart; have Doug Heffernan wake up next to Carrie in bed and literally make new episodes of King of Queens. Who would they be trying to fool otherwise?

The Root didn't exist then. It basically takes the Jezebel formula of finding whatever will most anger its base and collecting it all in one place for teh clicks. This will happen again.

"It can be two things."

One of my middle school teachers had a story about seeing The Shining in 1980. He got so absorbed into it that when Danny escaped out the window, he got up and screamed "YOU STUPID BOY, DON'T YOU KNOW HE CAN TRACK YOUR FOOTPRINTS IN THE SNOW??" And everyone stared at him.

I lived through 1993 and never saw Jurassic Park! I was still a kid and was too easily scared by everything, and I'd heard how tense some of those scenes were. So I didn't even try. My dad offered to take me on the last day it was open (my mom wasn't happy about that) but I turned it down because I was too afraid of

Did that guy ever find out he appeared on Family Guy?


Wow, Reed was serious. Leave Kimmy alone, dude!

I doubt that will ever happen, since Netflix owns it outright. They can keep it on indefinitely for no license fee.

Actually using MJ would drive me insane? That's not how it works.
And OMD will always suck until the end of time.

I loved ALF as a kid, but I barely remember what the show was like now. Me-TV just started airing the repeats. Guess I can find out….And so can you!

Do they still make them? There's no Chick to draw them.

Wow, and I thought Jeff just recycled his father's art for the new strips. Then again this could be a slightly modified stock Dolly, with glasses and a dishrag tied around her head.

It's true. I met a colorist recently who works on major titles, and she lives on slave wages despite her high-profile job. She also told me about a comic book writer who moved to the middle of nowhere because it was the only way he could live off what Marvel and DC paid him.

It started out really fun. When it became just "Sabrina learns a lesson in each episode" it turned sour. The loss of Valerie Birkhead was the point of no return. How can you not miss somebody whose lifelong dream is to dance with Drew Carey?

It's been Supernatural for many years and still is. Just look at Tumblr…