The One True Opinion

If it winds up insulting their target audience (sheltered Midwesterners) it'll be gone in a month.

This is my one opportunity to mention Trenchcoat, the Disney-produced 1984 movie starring Margot Kidder that was supposedly so bad, its solitary home video release was back when Disney was first launching its VHS library and it has never been released since. The box also bears no Disney logos at all.

Whether intentional or not, Twitch is doing a great service for the archive community. That entire stream will live on in pirate form forever.

Every kid wanted a working stop light in their living room. No reason other than it would be cool to have one.

APB was just cancelled and it has nearly the same premise.

When you add SWAT and Seal Team to NBC's For God And Country and CW's Valor, that makes four army shows. Military dramas are officially the new time travel. The time might have been right for one of those to succeed, but it's not gonna happen if we get four at once.

I haven't seen that episode, but they did something similar on 12 Monkeys, so I have to ask….is this a real-world torture method??

Thank goodness I was warned ahead of time. I was watching a local, public access-like channel when they tried to spring Chien Andalou on me. "OH NO YOU DON'T" I said, and ducked my head.

I'm fairly certain everything you see in My Strange Addiction is fake. There's no way half those people can still be alive with the things they supposedly eat.

I still haven't seen the entire sequence. I covered my eyes when the leech crawled across the guy's face; I don't need to know what else that movie wants to show me (and yes, I already know about the chicken).

I take it no one here is sensitive to sudden camera moves in video games or they would have mentioned that. There are a lot of great games I can only play for five to ten minutes at a time due to motion sickness. To this day, sadly, I still can't finish Super Mario 64.

Man, they're saving the fate of "Boat" for the very last second, aren't they?

To anyone who has actually seen the show: I've heard Mr. T and Charo were in this new season. Please tell me they danced together…

It runs opposite iZombie AND Great News — I couldn't watch it even if I wanted to.

But what if Drew Barrymore eats her between seasons 1 and 2?

These days I can't be sure if you're kidding.

Since shows keep depicting HG Wells as a time traveler HIMSELF, why not this….

A subchannel called Retro TV airs them, but it's a rare subchannel and odds are your city doesn't get it.

Let's not give rappers their own cartoons anymore, please.

Respect must be earned, not bought.