The One True Opinion

40 hours? If SHIELD gets cancelled, we'll know what for.

I remember tweeting that exact comment when it got a Season 2 renewal. I was chastised for making that pun, but then Rose McIver retweeted it, so….justified!

Love Liv; Liv will live! Love this!

Well, you're not watching their shows about talking dogs and imaginary furry blobs, so….same old same old is what you get!

Cancel two shows, order four. Again I have to question how all this is supposed to fit.

Egad, for a second I was so scared they were pulling that tired old trope on us.

Katrina was a good idea on paper. Horrible execution though. She was bland as dry toast.

This page marks the first time I've ever heard of her.

I NEED to point out that the last season of Airwolf did not have the helicopter in it.

You're not kidding? I thought it was impossible today because no network would allow stars from EVERY network (like in the old show). Does anyone know who's in it yet?

That makes one of us.

No kidding. "She grew up in the 90's; she must like boy bands." There were other choices!

I didn't really want to see that dragged on for three to five episodes though; I already knew how it would end.

The Bechdel Test isn't a waste of time. There are still a lot of female characters that are little more than props. However, I'm struggling to think of a movie or a TV show where the black character(s) did nothing but talk about white people.

"Also of course Kara’s OTP is Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake."
Why? He can do better now.

They have to pace themselves. If they move too fast, they'll run out of significant inductees before the industry can generate them.

No mention of iZombie yet in the cancellation list…..good. If my favorite CW show gets axed to make room for an eighth or ninth Berlanti show there'll be hell to pay.

They can't replace everyone in this case. Does it still have someone named Grey in it, who has anatomy? If not, then the title is a lie.

Rick And Morty: By far the most popular free pick-up at the comic
book shops. Every minute or so I would hear "Hey, it's Rick and Morty!"
and another copy would disappear. As for the comic itself, translating
TV shows to comic form has always been tricky and difficult. They
usually come off as the microwaved TV dinner

Actually, Unfriended is about the ghost of a picked-on teenager possessing her social media accounts and killing everybody who wronged her through their computers. Your idea is just different enough to sell.