The One True Opinion

I think the entirety of Paul Ryan is summed up in this image. "I don't know what I'm doing, I just know that I have to do it."

Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think there are nearly that many active nuclear power plants in the US. They even showed the Pacific Northwest covered with them, which I know isn't right. The only one that was in Oregon was the Trojan plant, and it was shut down in the early 90's.

Was World's Greatest Cartoonists good? I picked it up, flipped it open, briefly glanced Pepe, dropped it like a hot potato and replaced it in my stack with that comic where the cast of Fresh Of The Boat becomes superheroes. Now that I hear the purpose of his appearance was to kill him, maybe I should've given it a

This is only popular among teens, right? This isn't going to become some pop culture phenomenon that I HAVE to watch in order to get the references people are making for the next year, is it? Because I really donnnnwannawatchiiiiittt…..

Lots of great character moments in this. Cheyenne is trying to take the star billing away from Amy and succeeding.

They very nearly gave Bill Cosby another series, but the rape allegations broke out at the beginning of development.

I thought that was clearly a joke but….nope, the AV Club comments are being taken over by perpetually angry people who take every darn thing dead seriously. I hope this isn't a trend but more of them are showing up. I blame the political slant the site's been heading down. I don't want Gawker II, I want sarcastic

Sean Hayes must hold something far more incriminating; he has technically never been fired by the network. His most recent job before this was exec-producing Grimm.

Mentally dense, gum-chewing, badly-dressed teenage girls who say "like" fifteen times a sentence will always exist. They just don't say "grody" or "tubular" anymore.

I predict the trend of overusing the slo-mo camera in NBC promos will continue.

Too lazy to look up a synonym.

Wow, some TWD fans aren't very bright. Wonder what kind of comments the guy who played Spencer gets.

"Lots and lots of people frequently jump at the chance to be the comedy police." Especially 'round these parts.

OK. Maybe I got confused because I saw an explosion and Simmons crying.

I could have sworn it was Fitz. Fitz flatlined in his pod and a Hydra agent was watching and she simply shut off his life support, then the episode ended. Wasn't that Fitz?

I'm confused…..two episodes ago we clearly saw Fitz die with no hope of resuscitation. I missed the first ten minutes of the episode after that, but I've never seen an explanation for how he can be alive in the real world right now.

"Do you honestly think that what we watch, listen to and read has
absolutely no impact on how we view things like gender, race and so on?"

Is this a spell?

You seen the latest one? It says "WORLD WAR III" in big letters, then in smaller letters it says "How Trump will CRUSH our eight enemies!"

"Son, what is this? I found KKK robes in your closet! Plus a copy of Mein Kampf and derogatory caricatures of Nelson Mandela! Who taught you to do this stuff?"