The One True Opinion

Kara has saved Lena TWICE now from "friends" who tried to take advantage of her. If Kara sees her with Hatcher and says "BACK AWAY FROM HER NOW" Lena has no reason not to believe her.

Wasn't expecting to see Human Target here. Most people have forgotten the show even happened; the second season was that bad. I have always suspected it was no coincidence that they named one of the new characters forced on them "Poochie."

True enough, but I'm seeing more and more videos and essays like this, and it's kinda getting ridiculous.

River wasn't a love interest character.

Why does Bart use a slingshot to pop a mint? Because…Bart does things with a slingshot, man. Al Jean has confessed that Bart is the one character he doesn't know what to do with. You can really see it since he's taken over, and that was what, 900 episodes ago? I miss the Bart I loved as a kid, not this walking Dennis

At this point fanfiction is fine with me. I was looking forward to Alien 5 for Alien 3 being retconned alone. Newt lives!

You've been immediately hired to write scripts for "Imaginary Mary."

Today I learned Lois has purple pupils.

"Live With Kelly And Cardboard"

We've had like seven different shows this season where Al Capone is the subject of an episode. It's made me realize Al's mob is the only thing the average person is aware of happening in the 1920's. Out of everybody who lived back then and made a difference, he's the only one to survive the test of time culturally.

What is The Mother We Share about anyway, incest?

"Say what you will about the necessity of this show having a
will-they/won’t-they component, there’s no denying that America Ferrara
and Ben Feldman have great chemistry together"

I'm still expecting Hollywood to remake The Net really soon.

The only thing I remember about Wag The Dog was hard to forget. Someone asks the President if his fake war will be great and he replies, "IT'S GONNA BE A PENIS OF A WAR!!"

I had a teacher (from Portland) who taught us urban legends as fact. He told me Velveeta was a substance that comes from the lining of a calf's fifth stomach, so it's basically Veal Cheese. No idea where he heard this.


If you're being sarcastic I can't tell. I never saw Sasha eating a watermelon or slam-dunking a basketball.

I never understood "Thanks, Obama!" until we got a president I couldn't stand myself. Once that happens, it's weird how every unpleasant thing you come across in the entire world makes you think of him.

So…….Fitz is still going to be on the show, but it's going to be a different Fitz that is a robot? WTF? All that buildup over multiple seasons for this?

I don't know what they're thinking holding a strike right before summer break. The networks will be coasting on bad game shows for the next few months and no one will notice. The last strike was in late 2007, midseason, and affected everything. Maybe you can't exactly "time" these things.