The One True Opinion

We've got no choice with Harley — Arleen Sorkin has retired from acting. She was already middle-aged when she started the job.

And no one saw the second one, so Dreamworks said "So much for artistic value; let's make a talking baby movie." And it worked.

Is anyone here familiar with "Modelland," Tyra's attempt to enter the young adult novel market? I am only familiar with the dust jacket description, but it's enough for me. It's hilarious.

Weird: in one scene Jasper is playing a Wii U tablet controller like it's a handheld device, with no connection to the console, so there's just a "Device is not detected" message on the screen. It's not shown directly but from a couple side views you can tell it's that message. If it's intentional, maybe he's crazy

You like watching us Oregonians suffer our ten billionth "get almost all the way there and THEN lose" moment? That's been our entire existence since 1978 and you take PLEASURE in it?? You're worse than Rick….

There's another one now? Point it out….

Thanks to the surprise episode we now have a gauge for measuing how fast an AV Club writer can type up a review.
*clicks stopwatch* Pretty darn fast.

Cameras that shoot on film, the development process, etc……that's why. And it's moot because VHS is fuzzy enough for it not to matter. But a VHS player is $15 at Goodwill; making real VHS effects wouldn't cost much more than that.

Exactly what i was thinking. VHS doesn't skip like that!

This is a good place to see if anyone can solve this Mandela Effect mystery…..

Re: Diana — I interpreted it at her being under his spell. Up to that point she had been incredibly protective of her parents.

From my apartment window, I once saw Jacqueline Toboni get out of her car and walk down the street. And that's my story.

This show was far from perfect and was very much a "make things up as you go" type of program. If you switched from Season Two to Season Five you would have no idea what was going on because everyone would be in the opposite roles they were in before.

If that show was any good they wouldn't be waiting until July to air it.

"What's this website say? Whoa, I wind up killing myself? ……….Whatever, man."

That's depressing. I'm sure there was some time in the 1930's where Blondie was the most brilliant, mindblowing comedy cartoon in the universe, but decades and millions of bad strips later, no one thinks so now. What if these kids never know how funny this show could be?

In preteen years, One Direction is over the hill and the Jonas Brothers are in nursing homes.

You can get breakfast in a fast food joint after 10:30 now, which voids the entire premise.

It was the decade of unwieldy corporate slogans.
"What you want is what you get at McDonalds today."
"Your way right away at Burger King now."
"Nobody knows but Domino's how you like pizza at home."

There's never really been a Kong movie where Kong is the villain. He's always the naive giant who gets taken and exploited, destroys things in confusion, and then dies. Kong is meant as a tragedy.