The One True Opinion

There seem to be a lot of writers that need therapy. I get the anger, there's plenty to be angry about these days, but there's no need to take it out on your readers all the time.

I don't get the Beyonce worship. It makes absolutely no sense. What does she DO?

In this thread, invent an Adult Swim show….

Better. They should've used a pic from the Ashley Angel episode of Clone High.

It's been an unusually long time since the last big boy band happened. What do you think is the cause? Are preteens crushing on Youtube celebrities now instead?

Pilots take a while to get picked up. Infinity Train is not dead.

If you've seen Beetlejuice, you've seen Drop Dead Fred only much better.

This was every bit the turkey I thought it would be, but it wasn't because of the fuzzy thing. It was because none of the jokes worked. Nothing anyone said or did was very clever. Several characters came off as so annoying (the boy obsessed with what people say about him on Twitter is far worse than Mary).

Bonkers did Roger Rabbit in reverse by having a human disguise himself as a toon, and the reveal was when his glove came off and it had five fingers.

Has anyone ever seen a flattering photo of Mitch McConnell? He's always just standing there, mouth open, vacant stare….

I got bit by one last summer. They only bite out of desperation when they fear for their lives — like when one somehow falls down into your shirt while you're jogging.

"She wrote Oni’s Rick And Morty spin-off miniseries, Little Poopy Superstar"

"You don't like Mon-El? Blasphemy! That's like not liking Yoga Hosers! Psst, did you catch my shout-out tonight?" —Kevin Smith

I give it one or two seasons before we see Beronica/Vetty happen.

I second the vote for this documentary; it's good.

George Bush is a Twinkie

All season I've been assuming Nick is going to bite it in the last episode. The fact that he confessed is love to Adalind just now, and not in the finale, is another telltale sign.

I've seen far worse in actual comics. Pick any cover created in the 90's for starters.

I wouldn't be surprised if at some point in this movie the Megazord strikes a pose, whips out a phone and goes "SELFIE!"

And one of those kids was in a wheelchair, you monster.