The One True Opinion

Samantha Newly

If the bad guys take full advantage of this situation they should technically be unbeatable. if they can rewrite reality, they can make it so it's literally impossible to defeat them under the new laws of physics. They won't be that smart, of course.

Ouch, those are some big losses. Many of those have been Netflix staples for years. This is the time when those of us who cling to DVD sets throw back our heads and laugh….and then get out of our chairs because it's time to change discs again.

The animation will be completed within a year? There's no way this is anything but direct-to-video.

False advertising then. It's called Love, not Fake Love.


It was the first season in which they didn't know if they were going to return when they wrote it, so yes, that was intended as a finale.

"Well, that's the end! Stan's dead, good night!" —CeeLo Green

Shaq was a joke already. All anyone remembers about him is Kazaam and Shaq Fu and whenever he's used in ad campaigns these days it's usually intended as kitsch. This just makes him a thousand times funnier, and now Shaq jokes will never die, until he does and it becomes "improper."

Where is this elevator thing coming from? This isn't the only comment to mention it.

It was the result of a campaign a decade ago to come up with a name for him. Anyone could send in a name and General Mills would pick the best one. I am guessing at least 75% of those entries said "Buzz" on them.

Carl's actor is living at college now. It's not such a distance that he can't pop in to shoot some scenes, but it's also college, so it takes up a good chunk of his time.

The thought never crossed my mind, but after finishing the season, you may be onto something — it's disturbingly plausible.

Today I learned the word "mechaphilac."

The second Critic season was actually just as good, if not better due to the addition of Alice.

They brought We Got It Made to syndication with new episodes something like five years after it had been cancelled by NBC. And it still got the same complaints.

Wow, I just remembered something now: Cory and Shawn once found one of Feeny's old diaries where he wrote about his honeymoon. Feeny and his new wife went to some exotic location, but didn't get to see any of it for several days because they spent THE ENTIRE TIME in bed.

According to Billy, they wanted him to travel to the opposite end of the country every time they needed a recording done, and offered the same pay.

Wachowskis: "Hey, we heard you wanted to make more Matrix movies? Well, here we are….let's get started!"
Studio exec: "Uh….aren't you women?"
Wachowskis: "So….what?"
Studio exec: "Well, whoever heard of a sci-fi movie written by a woman? Ladies can't make sci-fi; that's ridiculous! Ha ha ha! That's a MAN'S genre!"

Just got to the beginning of Episode 11. I think I'll shut up.