The One True Opinion

Is Silverstone really an anti-vaxxer now, or are you confusing her with Jenny McCarthy?

She also refused to see a doctor about it and tried self-medicating. They found 14 drugs in her system.

Well…'s not funny. Is it supposed to be funny? Because it's not funny. Stuff just….happens. Cher is a dimwit but nothing truly hilarious comes of that.

The next few episodes make it clear that Gus is his own worst enemy.

I 101-percented it, and I wish there was some way to extract that save out of the cartridge and preserve it, because I'll never do that again.

The winning formula is that
1) you are REWARDED for that hard work, EVERY TIME
2) you don't HAVE to do it to beat the game

I'd love to watch this if I were given the chance. SyFy hasn't run Seasons 1 or 2 again since Season 2 aired, and they won't offer them on-demand.

There are a lot of great shows on Netflix that are rated two stars and some truly terrible ones that have five or close to it. If the thumb system makes the average viewer's bad taste any less obvious and in my face, I'd go for it.

Isn't it impossible to make one more episode, unless it's written with the acknowledgment that everything is happening in Roseanne's character's head? It's never going to be the same because of that.

They also bought TvTome and changed it into Which was a downgrade, but not terrible — until recently, when they fired all the original content writers and started copy-pasting all of TV Guide's content. I used to comment on all the time. Then I was driven here.

One Of Our What? I've never heard of that first one.

It's missing some scenes. Thank Katzenberg for editing the finished product the second he got in the door.

The best part is that it isn't technically cannibalism 'cause they're not people. Loophole!


Walked out of the room, took a shower, toweled off, came back in bathrobe, missed nothing.

"What is with these relationships that are going along fine until there’s a marriage proposal?"

Wow, that was dark.

The day predicted by 30 Rock has come.
"What's a commercial?" —Cerie

It took fifteen episodes, but we finally had actual love in a show called Love.

Trolls can form out of any group that considers another group their enemy. I've seen plenty of liberal trolls. Some even write for ex-Gawker websites.