The One True Opinion

Most of these recommendations aren't very good. Cartoon Network has been going through a new renaissance these past few years; the lack of Gumball and Steven in this list is distressing. Are barely any CN shows listed here because they're so good you figure it's a no-brainer they're for grown-ups too?

I love hearing kids' reactions to that episode. They either have no idea what's going on or hate it. "Finally A Lesson" is basically a giant meta-joke on the target audience. They have fun at the TTG offices, clearly.

We'll make them like it!

I got a lot of magazines as a kid. I will now rate them all:

Yeah, okay, enough about the stupid boss. I think her motive was different. It's clearly implied by the scene that she can have anything she wants and is never told "no." I don't think she was even attracted to Gus. She just wanted to screw him because she could. She has probably done this with every single person who

I can't believe it took three episodes to get back to Witchita. I love this set and its incredibly narcissistic cast that Gus has to navigate around because he's really the last person who should be there. He's surrounded by self-destructive people and constantly hearing horrible comments and can't really do anything

"Ripped Pants," though, makes sense, while a lot of memes don't. I can understand why somebody ripping their pants would get a laugh. The joke isn't random enough.

When I clicked on the headline I thought Conway was telling people microwaves cause cancer, which would be a rumor everybody would swallow. Fortunately, no one can believe there's a camera in your microwave besides her.

Um….OK. Is O'Neal having a bad day?

Unlike surgery, plane piloting is something that could have been taken in steps. Lewis could have spent one day learning all the controls, the next day driving the plane on the ground, the next day practicing liftoff a little bit before coming back down. These people are all going to die.

Not likely. It's Trubel that gets shafted, not Eve.

I heard about that prop sale. Those giant magic books (which we haven't seen until now despite looking so cool) are going to fetch a big price.

Reminds me of when John K and the South Park guys were in a legal battle over who created the concept of talking poop first. Millions were at stake.

That's a whole separate topic of conversation: "the childhood show/movie that introduced your fetish to you." Everybody's got at least one story of weird unfamiliar feelings after seeing X or Y happen.

The kind of bad TV I seek out isn't the kind you can easily find. All those terrible syndicated action shows from the 90's that weren't Xena but wanted to be, for example. I do a lot of tape-trading and am always on the lookout for crappy sitcoms from my youth years that lasted around six or so episodes before being

Thank goodness Gillian Jacobs is here to save us from having to settle for "Iron Fist."

We're this close to making an actual Vicki for retail. If I just put a Google Home inside a mannequin's head and made the lips move to sound….

Looks like AV Club's become another site that frontloads its articles one right after the other in an effort to increase their click count. BUT THAT'S CHEATING, YOU GUYS

This is such an NBC idea that I don't understand why ABC took it first.

That's not the most important ingredient. What made Alien memorable for me was that all the people in it felt like real people. There were no sudden one-liners or sudden punchlines. They talked and acted like actual space truckers, were there such a thing. What makes Alien work is that despite the fanciful settings,