The One True Opinion

Between this and Last Man On Earth's recent episode, it's apparent to me this week of television had its scripts written shortly after inauguration. I really don't blame them for working their anxieties into the script. Speaking as another writer it was hard to concentrate on anything else.

Hollywood, you're not as clever as you think you are.

They've been around zombies for years now; long enough that the process for dealing with them has become routine. It's not a stretch they would get better at it.

I don't think ASP writes for her fans or even pays any attention to them; she writes to please herself first. There's nothing wrong with that — to a point. But when you ignore any and all criticism and seal yourself in a self-pleasing bubble, you're not growing as a writer. ASP hasn't grown in nine years because of

Pile on some third seasons of Agent Carter and Sarah Connor Chronicles.

Gilmore Girls was awesome, but like most shows, it started decaying as the seasons stacked up. It had a lot of flaws by Season 6 and those flaws were magnified in the miniseries, not fixed.

I guess I'll have to bookmark these because of the spoilers and come back when I finish my Complete DVD Set… about five or so years.

Lorelai dies, Logan moves in, there's now a laugh track. To quote Calvin, "it's never so bad that it can't get any worse."

To those wondering where he got this from, I remember seeing a headline on last week's Enquirer that said "Obama seeks to sabotage Trump presidency! See how Our Leader will fight this threat!" Trump wouldn't be seen in a supermarket, but I wouldn't be surprised if he has a subscription.

Does the entire Internet need to inform me of every dumb thing this guy says, immediately after he says it? Does it really HAVE to?

Was that the guy's name? His long hair, backwards baseball cap, and surfer lingo made me really identify with him.

From what I've heard, it's a success, and one of the few McDonalds has had lately.

"McDonalds Delivery" is the kind of tone-deaf offering I would have expected from Burger King during their "BK TEEVEE" era.

I remember Washington State senator David Wu getting basically removed from office after a photo of him in a tiger costume got picked up by the media. The context was unclear, but coupled with the fact that he made a Star Trek reference during a speech on the floor, everyone took it as "this man's insane."

Once again the solution is right under their umbrella. Get the guys who made Tron: Uprising!

Buff with Xander!
My very best pal!
Buff with Willow,
she's my favorite gal!
Buff with The Master
and the Ubervamp too
But those guys don't bother Buffy,
she KNOWS what to do!
Buff buff, buffity yeah
Everybody BUFF
Buff buff, buffity yeah
She goes a hundred miles an hour
She's street dynamite
Her name is Buffy Summers,

Heh, I knew a guy who got his punk accessories from the pet store. THAT'S metal, bro.

How close are we now to the Supertoy bear? It would seem if you can
buy little cylinders that robotically answer your every question on command, it
can't be far off.

Channel selection is pretty poor. A lot of major players aren't available, and no Cartoon Network is a dealbreaker for me.

No worries about that anymore.