The One True Opinion

One big problem. When I've finished a big game and the save took a while to complete, I want to keep the save so I don't have to play the entire thing again. Also, there's the possibility of a game disappearing before I complete it. I just don't think the Sega Channel is going to work in this day and age.

I really miss Calista….

Notice how the guys the Republican party have successfully elected are each progressively worse than the last one. It makes me wonder if the next Republican president will be worse than Trump. What would that be like?

You were not the only one who came here to post this comment, oddly.

And let me guess….every other magician is a suspect, and Jessica Fletcher JUST arrived in town two days ago.

If magic were real, none of us would be born because the human race would have caused its own extinction thousands of years ago. The results would not be as sunny as Disney makes them sound.

There is a big thick 40th anniversary book that spells it out. They're point-blank asked if Bert and Ernie are gay and they say "no, but they're not straight either, they're just Bert and Ernie." So there you have it.

One of the best things about that game is the Easter Eggs I continued to find years after I beat it. If you slash at a chicken with Marin she says:

I thought it was a typo and you were joking, but…..ah no, it's a thing.

I love how over half this preview is variant covers. "The content isn't important; what's important is that you collect them all!"

This is the weirdest news item AV Club has posted in a while and that's saying something.

Wow, seriously? This is one of the few "indulgent" menu items that people were saying good things about. That crummy Dorito shell stuck around forever, but this only exists for a blink?

I feel like the only one who wishes comics were comical.

I was wondering how LaHaye was going to get past this. So the Antichrist steps up to the podium and says in his evil accent that the real reason so many people disappeared was….climate change. "WE killed them all, with our POLLUTION!"

After hearing that guillotine scene described, I just had to watch it. It did not disappoint. These types of movies are awful in many ways, but there are times when they just NAIL horror.

Really? Damn. That's one of my favorite shows ever and I never knew Buscemi was even on it. What episode?

There was not nearly enough Chel in that movie. Not nearly enough.

I've seen the above image plenty of times, but I have no idea what it's from. When did Buscemi don street clothes, tote a skateboard and walk into a high school? What was that in?

How could I forget it? It was the opening theme to Loser, which is a great movie aside from having to hear that shrill toe-curler every time I pop the DVD in.

Correct; he was asked in an interview (before the movie came out) what he thought of it, and he said "I'll let you know when they show it to me."