The One True Opinion

Okay, is this some kind of inside gag? That's the fifth time I've seen that post.

How do you top a weapon that can destroy an entire planet? This is the problem.

See, when you put "witch" in the title you expect some kind of epic battle with wands shooting out streams of light at some point, but it never comes. They ought to just call it "Good Person."

I'll never understand the tastes of people who want to watch the same bland story over and over and over and over and over again, and never get bored by it. But there are a lot of them out there, and you shouldn't underestimate them. Most TV producers consider it "beneath them" to cater to this kind of audience, but

We don't actually need to watch, because I'm sure this website will be bringing us EVERY LAST DETAIL.

I was surprised by how sharply written it was. Like everyone else here, The Good Place roped me into it and I got hooked.

Is Enchanted Forest still around?

Yes. I am fully expecting this (and dreading it).

We've had like what, four time-travel shows this season? And despite that, I'd still watch a Jughead's Time Police adaption.

No one knows who Katy Keene is aside from hardcore Archie fanboys; what value is the brand? They might as well adapt Super Duck, Pipsqueak or Shrimpy from the 50's. Maybe that's coming. Maybe a gritty, grimdark version of Li'l Jinx.

That was the only good thing about Jezebel and now there's nothing good about Jezebel.

This happened to Ralph Wiggum AND the guy who played Carl Winslow?

Oh man, he would liven up Arrow SO much.

Man, I really hope Lena doesn't turn evil. Some of the most appealing friendships in TV, movies and literature are between two people who shouldn't logically be friends. The "Betty and Veronica" dynamic is famous for a reason. And I like the idea of there being a "good" Luthor.

The AV Club hates everything except The Simpsons seasons 3 through 9. I mean, 3 through 8 — sorry.

I agree — there's not enough Xan. The way she was dropped after the first few episodes, though, makes me suspect the writers didn't feel that she worked. Too bad, because she did.

Someone told me we wouldn't be getting a Season 3 of Kimmy this year due to Ellie Kemper's pregnancy. Was it YOU?

Well, I figured American Idol would be brought back eventually, but not THIS soon. Can't we wait until AFTER the period where singing competitions have been run into the ground, the genre has been retired, a few years pass, and there's enough nostalgia for the format that it can return successful again?

What I loved about the Magic School Bus books was that they were really funny. They were written in this offbeat style that carried over to the illustrations where there were a lot of hidden jokes. Then they made the TV show, which had no humor whatsoever, or when they did attempt a joke it fell completely flat.

You can still find those shows, they just run on subchannels now. Four hours of Cagney and Lacey air on ThisTV every Sunday evening. That's one of the best saxophone themes I've ever heard.