The One True Opinion

Of course they hate Love — they hate love in general.

Don't forget Sean Hayes!

Is that a recent photo? One of her first hit singles was a cover of The Locomotion, which was back when everyone knew what The Locomotion was.

You WANT a fifth superhero series? Or did the sarcasm zoom over my head?

There is, in fact, a movie like that in production and Scarlett Johannson is attached to play Zoe Quinn (no joke).

Nikita was a remake of a remake of a French movie and it turned out pretty good.

Probably not — from what I remember, this series loved retcons.

If there was any kind of new twist to it, I would have kept it on longer than the two minutes I did. But this is just more 24 and I've had my fill of 24. The schtick is worn out.

I'm actually too innocent to know what this stands for.

This did not air in Portland until 2:07 in the morning due to a Blazer game. So the episode wasn't worth watching? Good.

Welcome, Andrea. Livin' the dream, are you? Does the AV Club pay the bills or is it just for fun?

If you want to make new friends, nothing really replaces message boards IMO. The same people show up in the same place all the time, so you get to know them. Facebook and Twitter don't work that way. On Tumblr you can't even comment to anyone. And Reddit is too impersonal. "Obsolete" my butt.

I'm going to break with the rest here and come out with it: I'm uneasy about Aguirre-Sacasa's entire output and his willingness to perv up what I'm perfectly fine with as a campy, wholesome checkout stand mainstay. If and when Sabrina shows up, he's going to outright make her a goat-sacrificing satanist, simply in the

Which episode was this? Sounds hilarious.

I feel like I'm the only one who wasn't surprised. I was actually expecting it. "Since they're dinosaurs are they all going to die in the last episode?" And they did.

Any was so enamored of Herrmann that she thought the show would never get him at first. The special status in the credits was likely her idea.

Did you know that episode was the result of a contest where kids were asked to submit script ideas? "Getting locked in a refrigerator" was the winner. It's weird because a child literally came up with it.

"It was the 70's….and disco."

A "hit" for SyFy has a much lower bar than for other networks. No other programming on the station made the cultural impact that Sharknado did four years ago, so….there will be a Sharknado 27 eventually.

By doing the same thing over and over again, you can get a different outcome. In fact, it's the foundation of the scientific method. Testing and re-testing to see if a phenomenon repeats or not.