The One True Opinion

That 90's Show!

Probably. There's no point in pretending #1s aren't the industry sales model anymore. Just embrace it, rather than pretend you plan to run anything indefinitely.

I was wondering the other day if there's a former American spy named Brown Recluse who now works for Russia. But I guess they thought of that already.

But notice in the scene, there are no glasses of water OR spoonfuls of Jello.

Man, if only he'd picked Zootopia, he could have learned a thing or two.

It really says that.

OK, thanks. The overlook of Saudi Arabia is still odd though.

It's an illusion; she moves her mouth and it looks like the nose is moving instead. Try that.

Now you have me wondering if Rosalee has eight nipples.

Ya know, he didn't ban EVERY Muslim-majority country — just the ones he doesn't do business with.

if we're talking about the same Bree Turner, she'd make an awful Witchblade. Toboni would have a better shot. Claire Coffee would make a great one if they wanted to keep her sarcastic snarky side from the comics.

Portland Tribune is a free paper; Renard's copy cost 50 cents.

I saw that one in a dead mall myself. Would have taken a picture (at a wide enough angle so you would get the joke), but I just didn't.

if you've been inside a mall lately, you know the loss of Wet Seal is hardly going to be noticed. One month there will be fifty identical clothing shops, the next month there will be forty-nine.

Search Party, you mean?

Any time the CW does anything, I fear for the future of iZombie. They keep piling on shows and trying to squeeze them into the tiny space this micro-network is allowed. It'll be worse if Riverdale is a hit.

How did they pull it off with It's A Wonderful Life? This film was once public domain and now it isn't.

I loved the 75th. Jerry Seinfeld came out and said "no ridiculous dance numbers, no self-glorifying stunts, just us," and it was great. Low-key was the right approach.

I'm struggling to think of any comedy movies made in recent history that haven't been R-rated dick-obsessed raunch-fests. Um…..Hail Caesar wasn't one….have there been any others?

Trump, I'm going to FEED YOU to my TARANTULA.