The One True Opinion

His sister Emmy is one of the most creative and talented artists I've ever seen. I wish she'd return to her Deviantart account; I hate the "Tumblr or nothing" philosophy artists are bafflingly clinging to now. Also, I hate Tumblr.

We've only gotten non-sequels from Comcast this year because they have no choice. Now they have four properties they can just rotate over and over until Sing 19: This Time It's Seriously Personal bombs at the Holoplex.

Someone stop this man. I do NOT want Sabrina to be turned into a Satanist. NO!

I've found it's nearly impossible to convince somebody committing nepotism that they're doing it. They're so blinded by Fatherly Affection that they're convinced their kid is the most talented person in the universe.

If you follow Harmon's Twitter the reason becomes clear. He's simply losing his mind.

I remember seeing this guy drawing one of those "S" designs and my asking him what it meant. For backstory, I was a complete geek and he was a psychotic, easily-agitated burnout sociopath, so this conversation was doomed to go wrong no matter what.

"Starring Harley Quinn Smith"

Mon-El is an incredibly boring character. It goes all the way back to the beginning when he was…introduced and that was it. Oh, here's another pod, it's another Kryptonian, but that's the B-story and we're focusing on something else. Wha? That should have blown Kara's mind.

You know what bothered me though? There's not much….love in it. The show is called LOVE and now a future show that's actually about love can't use that title.

That was my first thought too. And it'd be their third one of those.

This was a predictable year. The Academy tends to just melt for anything that appeals to the super-old-school aesthetic (remember The Artist? Only they remember that).

Hmm. I suspect you aren't who you claim to be. But I'll give you a chance to prove it.


You know something? I haven't heard one person defend the phrase "alternative facts" outside of the administration. Normally there's somebody who rushes to defend the other side somewhere, but not in this case. I find it relieving that nobody's THAT brainwashed.

Back up to the part where he picked her out of a catalog. That's a thing?

But then she wouldn't have gotten the America's Funniest People gig.

"Wow, Hank. You've really thought this through."

This is actually the FOURTH attempted adaption of this — one TNT series from the turn of the century, one anime, and one feature film that died in development in 2008. I am envious of the connections Silvestri has.

If porn survived the wrath of Meese, it can survive Sessions too.

This is the best Grimm episode I've ever seen, and thus, it will probably be the best Grimm episode I will ever see. Everyone was so fun to watch in their roles, even Eve. This is the kind of fun they could always have with the concept, and never did until now.