The One True Opinion

I guess it could be like that crappy "Bless the Child" movie, where the fate of the planet rests on which side of morality a small kid ends up choosing. But for a show that's revolved around Nick, taking the climax completely away from him would be a strange choice. Not that this has stopped Grimm before.

I think I saw Amy Troy last night too. They went authentic with the reporters (except for, y'know, the ones from the other stations).

KHAAAAAAAN is a very talented writer.

Samantha Who? wasn't that bad.

Ehh….this is kind of a vague connection. There are so many reasons to make fun of Donald Trump that you don't need to make one up.

Oh, it's not clear enough, but you can click that last sentence and find out where it came from.

We're not that lucky. The first time we see Zatanna it's going to be in a Snyder production — she'll be this grim-faced, pale-skinned woman with ratty hair and Hot Topic gothwear in place of the magician's outfit (there will be fishnets, but they'll be very ripped).

Monster Trucks has made me realize how sick I am of hearing "Oh ah ah oh, I want a love that keeps me waiting" in so many ad campaigns.

That chestnut has been around for a long time. I remember Cast Away was one of the worst examples. Literally every part of the story is in its trailer, including his escape from the island, his meeting back up with his love interest, and the very final shot of the movie where Hanks stares down the road. It didn't seem

TV Guide said "It's the one you can't complain about, since you picked the winners!" That's like saying Trump is also my fault. The PCAs are always embarrassing.

I remember a preacher going viral in the early days of the Internet for warning that Clinton was going to take advantage of the chaos caused by the Y2K bug to take over the country and declare himself emperor-for-life. His recommendation was that Christians everywhere should stock up on freeze-dried food and

on an unrelated topic….Why does that woman have a scorpion on her neck, and shouldn't she notice this?

I found the page where I read it; Lambiek's Comicpedia.

No, I was reading an article with a quote from Dorkin (which I can't find now, and I know how "convenient" that sounds) where they briefly referenced "his late wife Sarah Dyer." I was as shocked as you. I'd like to be wrong.

I'd….watch that third one. *blushes*

Actually, sir, Titans have no butts. *pushes glasses up nose*

Ready for this? His wife died.

"Are you bein'…like…..sarcastic, dude?"

Do Cardellini characters ever get definitive endings? CJ, Wendy, Lindsay Weir…..I bet we never see Hawkman's wife again either. (Did I get that name right? Probably not.)