The One True Opinion

I was never feeling it with Margaret. She was all romantic tension and no romance. CJ was better and I would've been satisfied with a Mordecai/CJ ending, but having him move on was fine too.

There was once a time when CN ran marathons of this as often as they run Teen Titans Go today. I've got the proof — I have recordings of those marathons from 2013, that I can load up whenever I miss RS.

I have a feeling that scatalogical scene with Blu-Ray pooping a video player out of her……neck was altered by CN censors.

2 in the AM/PM was kinda too profane to call attention to; CN probably doesn't want anyone to know Mordecai and Benson appeared for the first time as drug-induced hallucinations.

I only noticed TODAY that Eileen has a tail.

Scrolled all the way down and didn't see a single "Rob Schneider derp derp derpy derp" post, or one post referencing Roger Ebert's legendary "Your movie sucks" takedown of him. Surprised am I.

"Heard song on radio this morning. Carly, I KNOW that song is about me. You can't pretend it's not! Washed-up LOSER sings insulting song about BRILLIANT HANDSOME GENIUS who is NOT VAIN! Sad."

That's what worries me. If we keep writing pieces about him he's going to get his own reality show, amass unironic followers, and from there, the sky is the limit. If we just ignore him he stands a chance of going away.

You can make it as "realistic" and "gritty" as you want but at the end of the day, that is still a goofy-looking kid in a stupid hat and an unexplained "S" shirt referred to as "Jughead." Twin Peaks never got THAT weird.

I hate it when shows have established magic yet don't do anything with it, or create a bunch of stupid handicaps to hold them back. The Trust Me Knot is the kind of thing I want to see more often. Creative, creepy, and undeniably cool. Much better than a stick, don't you think?

If this was actually an Aspie Grimm, I would admire the attempt at diversity.

Yup. My projection for the 2017-2018 season is a years-too-late Bachelor ripoff at 8 pm, followed by a barely-promoted second season of The Good Place at 9.

Maybe home prices around here will finally become affordable again.

—some boy band reviewed by Todd in the Shadows

"King of the nerds"….uh, maybe you should hang around some. Most nerds hate Lorre with a passion reserved for only the worst of individuals.

I can give you an early answer there: Rockstar doesn't support Nintendo products. They tried once with Chinatown Wars on the DS and it didn't sell.

What are whippets?

And look how happy she is!

In the trailer, too.

Between this person, Jingle Belle, Annie Claus, Arthur Christmas, and whoever the central character of Santa Baby was….how many children can Santa possibly have??