The One True Opinion

Too Something? Do you mean Something So Right?

It probably does a lot better on Netflix than it does over the air. A lot of people found the show there last summer; they just didn't follow to watch it on broadcast.

That explains so much. I had no idea CBS was forced under coercion to run Meego.

"I'm wearin' you DOWN, baybeh! I'm wearin' you DOOOWN!"

It's worth noting there's a Grimm comic book out now that follows Trubel, not Nick. It is Trubel, Juliette and Adalind working together to solve crimes (which is a darn good improvement over the actual show). Nick is nowhere to be seen. It might mean something: the producers are blabbing that the show will end in

I's too bad there's no spinoff cartoon where Ron travels through time.

Who wants to take a bet that Arnold Schwarzenegger's tombstone will say "I'LL BE BACK" on it? It's an easy bet….

Oh, that Fisher! What a pill.

Man, I hope America remembered this was on. I didn't know a new episode was coming until i saw the schedule that very day.

The target audience for this stuff is still watching it on standard-def TVs; they don't know what that "digital" thing is.

"DONGGGGGGG!!" "Ooooohhhhh!"

"Scry Hard." Hee hee.

Well. I was prepared to bag on this, but….what they're describing here has potential. You know what I would like? Charmed, only good.

No, because….I don't work for the TV series Superstore…..I don't get this comment at all.

Forget ten years. We're actually getting a That's So Raven revival NOW. There's no excuse, except if LeBeouf thinks he can still have a movie career.

I love how specific this comment is.

I've never seen a Mara one. It's always McKayla Maroney, who's only been off the radar for 5 years. And we just saw her in Superstore; she looked the freakin' same.

Well, I learned THAT today. Now I can't unsee this snarky, sarcastic woman in a suit.

How many attempts has CC made by now to find the next South Park? They've never found it, and it's because they focus on the superficial elements (crude animation, crude humor) rather than any actual talent behind it.