The One True Opinion

A similar thing happened when it was announced ABC was looking into producing a Fables series. Nothing happened, then about a year later they announced Once Upon A Time.

Righteous. That Liefeld is one radical, gnarly dude. Cowabunga!

It had more than one: The Brady Kids, The Brady Bunch Variety Hour, The Bradys. History is repeating and the only thing that can stop Full House is the people who are nostalgic for it leaving power.

I'm the biggest Clone High fan in the world and even I didn't pick up on that until you made it clearer.

"Oh boy! Abortions!" —Chuck Lorre

Ubisoft has been aggressively trying to make its properties into movies for some time now. Assassin's Creed is just the first one, there are others to follow. I don't think they even care if they're profitable. Their #1 concern appears to be growing their brands.

This isn't New York either. But both this and Gilmore Girls seem to be implying Connecticut is full of rich people. Somebody who's familiar with the area, please confirm or deny.

Weird how this site already published a pre-review that spoke more positively of it. That guy saw multiple episodes, though, while this writer only saw the pilot. Someone posted below to confirm it gets better.

This is the period of time where the Coen Brothers have been around for so long that nobody pays attention to what they do anymore. Once they die, Hail Caesar will get a bump in popularity.

I'm waiting for the remake where an enchanted cat brings him tomorrow's tweets.

He said back in the early 80's, "Special effects without story would be just boring." I have no doubt he'd be horrified by Episode 1.

Wow, I've seen this happen. If someone is old enough, suffering a major loss can jolt their bodies into a similiar fate. It's why some couples die within months of each other.

Am I the only one who prefers comics that are funny? I feel like I'm the only one. The vast majority of the industry produces the exact opposite of what I want. It sucks.

Ah, whoops. Wrong example.

Maybe all these old celebrity deaths wouldn't sting so badly if we were better at finding new ones. Is anyone going to be this sad when Kanye kicks?

That would take Ted Danson away from shooting The Good Place, so no.

Any word on a Season 3 of Kimmy Schmidt yet?

And yet it still isn't enough to please the censors in this comment section. You guys must not be familiar with comics. This has to be the most chaste bikini drawing I've seen in one of these things outside of Archie. You guys would explode if you picked up one of those trashy "Grimm Fairy Tales" things.

I was waiting for that.

The recommendations never make any sense. "Because of your interest in Stranger Things, we recommend Norbit."