The One True Opinion

Could someone please convince me that he isn't going to nuke China or some other country the very second he gets clearance to do so? I really am worried January 20th is my last day on Earth. And even if it isn't, I fear there's a strong possibility he's going to try out that equipment at some point. Could someone

I saw a headline that said there were deleted shots from A New Hope stuck into Rogue One. I didn't click on the headline because I hadn't seen the movie yet, and when I finally did see the movie Leia turned up and I said "oh, there's one."

They've already shot Episode VIII?

The Grumpy Cat movie was direct-to-Lifetime and there was no Annoying Orange movie. The Annoying Orange became a TV series.

I could see them forming a production company called 3-Seth.

Have you seen the emoji Chia Pets yet? They should be next to the Trump Chia Pets. Both are real.

Personally, I think there's a mile-wide difference between something like "Waiting For You" and something like this, which kicks ass:…

"Lena Dunham is not the voice of this generation. She's the voice of people who hate this generation." —Kyle Kallgren

"Yeah, America's great, isn't it? 'Cept for the South."

Given that Lawrence and Pratt are, at the moment, the #1 hottest stars in Hollywood of their respective genders…..traditionally the movie where they star together is the one where they fall in love behind the scenes, get married, have two kids and then divorce within five years. But no, Pratt had to already be

It happened in real life too, with "Naked Came The Stranger."

It's still 2016; a 90-year-old celebrity should not be tempting karma.

That too? If I were her caretaker I would have been tempted to trip over the plug.

It's not a foregone conclusion. Stan Lee is still healthy as far as I know. Carl Barks lived to 99; I don't think he had anything major going on with him. The moral is be involved in comics and you're indestructible.

It won't be on Netflix — they don't stock new movies anymore, unless they're from Disney.

Yes, because there was practically nothing on. The only network sci-fi show I can think of is Otherworld, which lasted for eight episodes and had a "rock and roll saves the world" episode midway through (which you must watch, by the way).

Yeah, that was back when you could afford a house here.

R. Crumb and Harvey Pekar both got autobiographical movies and you saw tons of their work in them. Where do you get the feeling Callahan won't be given the same?

I just checked the front page of Yahoo and Rosie is not dead. Actually if she died around this time period I'd find it VERY suspicious….

Moral: discs are not obsolete