The One True Opinion

"Casablancas: The Man Who Loved Women"

The way this movie handles the 80s makes it feel like the writers weren't even alive during it. Like if I was asked to make a bunch of references to the 1920's, I would say "Uh……Al Capone….prohibition….mobsters….flappers?" I wouldn't know much.

Cordcutter streaming options for El Rey:
On SlingTV it's in the basic package and $20
On DirectTV Now it's in the most expensive package which is $100
On Playstation Vue it isn't there at all

Sheedy had a lot of talent. I miss her.

We just had "Bad" used extensively in the Angry Birds ad campaign….I don't feel like hearing it 500 more times.

Reminds me of the fact that a lot of kids cartoons during the 1980's had references to 1950's culture. You'd see jukeboxes, poodle skirts and doo-wop singers all of a sudden. I think that happened all the time on Muppet Babies.

HA ha! Fight Lupus!

To me, Ion is the Leverage Network — it's the only reason to watch it.

This woman is BAD! We're talking BAD! You won't believe how BAD she is! She's so BAD, she slides down the banisters in a wedding dress! She's so BAD, she openly makes references to penises! She's so BAD, she DRINKS in the DAYTIME! I mean who does that? That's 'cause she's BAD! Whoa, is she BAD, people!

Imagine if they found this 30 years ago, when the idea of dinosaurs having feathers didn't exist. How bewildered would they be?

What did Allen Funt say at Mr. Bure's wedding?

Unless I'm mistaken, they sell titles of nobility in England.

You have to wonder if Hardwick is faking it, since one thing all nerds have in common is that they hate EVERYTHING, usually for petty and nitpicky reasons. Hardwick should have at least ranted about something by now (someone get him on the subject of Michael Bay, Geekdom's Worst Enemy…if he remains positive, then he's

We don't understand us either.

Even when all the picks are settled, we could still wind up with them. If Trump remains Trump-y he is bound to fire at least half the members of his cabinet within one year.

Seriously? I need to start watching this.

I remember when the media was calling genocide "ethnic cleansing." There are some concepts that don't need to be softened up.

Then you go to jail.

Read the interview. ASP says "she'll probably get an abortion," meaning the ending affects nothing.

Well, that was….maddening. ASP says they stuck to the original ending because they "didn't want Rory's life to be perfect." That's….like….the entire series up to those last seconds. Rory constantly gets free stuff for doing nothing but standing there. You're describing the opposite of what your show is!