The One True Opinion

Exactly. Lorelai does plenty of selfish things too, but Lauren Graham knows how to play that type. It comes off as humorous, endearing, and most importantly, not implied to be a good thing. Robo-Bledel says all her lines in this floaty monotone; she can't do flawed because she's playing flawless.

It was bad enough to get a Mummy movie without Weisz; now we get one without Fraser too…

Since most of us have the same complaints, it would be interesting if there was a post-release interview with ASP where she was confronted about some of these. Would she excuse them or would she say "okay, I admit that part could have been better…" She really needs to be asked directly about the more shallow and

Not until May? Good; that'll allow me to actually find time to watch Season One on my huge backlog list. Maybe.

I thought Rory was Rory's one true love.

Thirtysomething gang! Thirtysomething gang! Thirtysomething gang! Thirtysomething gang! Thirtysomething gang!

Rory said the words "I know" the second before that started, so I thought they were also shouting "I know." And that the joke was the code word that signaled Taylor was coming was "I know," as in they were having unusually loud conversations outside for this exact problem, and Rory thought she was hearing an echo for

Ah, but DVDs work without the Internet and there's no threat of the streaming company dropping the show you're watching without warning (though in the case of Seinfeld, it's unlikely).


Boop-oop-a-doop! Goochie coochie!

I saw all I need to see of The Postman when the previews ran this one clip where Costner was riding a horse, pulled his baseball cap backwards and said "Hey, remember when we used to do this as kids? We thought it was cool!"

I want to know how that show was made. I read once that shooting just five seconds of it took an entire day. That's insane.

First season isn't very good from a writing standpoint, but it starts getting much better in season 2. Season 3 is one of the best seasons I've seen come out of any show, and I'm serious. Watch the whole thing if you don't believe me. You won't regret it!

You take stuff, you bring it back, you get clicks, you go back to get more stuff, you reap your money at the end of the month.

Furries can get married, use whatever restroom they want, etc. Though the Trump administration may start changing that.

Look for some of his dramatic comics with realistic art; they may be difficult to find, but the art in there is far from "style guide." Yes, I'm talking about the Spire comics. Never mind the strange subject matter; they LOOK great.

I want to believe that millennials will be the generation that breaks the cycle and welcomes the people that follow them with open arms, but….I also truly thought Gen-X was going to learn from being stereotyped and not do it themselves. They did not learn.

Who the heck wrote that "Moose is dyslexic" story anyway? That was kind of insulting; dyslexia doesn't make you that stupid. Terrible idea. Thank goodness continuity in Archie resets every six pages.

You could always tell which side the writer was on. The worst thing I ever heard Veronica say was this: "Archie isn't handsome, or intelligent, or talented in any way. There's really nothing attractive about him. But it's good for my ego to have such an obedient slave!" Holy. Crap.

Hey, Hartley's art was great.