The One True Opinion

In my book you're not wrong. The "new" Archie is a different continuity though.

It's an entire channel that shows nothing but Tay-Tay on an endless loop. YOU try to say something nice about it.

I remember that. They gave him several, including a time-traveler from the 28th century.

Barb is playing Ethel, aka Riverdale's chew toy.

iZombie computes.

Archie is kind of a blank slate that each individual writer can mold to fit the stories they want to tell. There are comics where Archie is good at sports and comics where Archie is bad at sports. There are ones where he's dumb as a post and ones where he's the smartest guy in the room (Dilton excluded). He's been

One of those sites needs to publish a parody piece written by "Rory Gilmore" now; it'd be hilarious.

Actually….yes, because if you think about it, when she fails all her rich friends will prop her up and pay her bills. Then she'll do one thing and become world-famous for it.

She can't has writing.

I don't understand the mind that thinks "we can't have Paris all the time, but God forbid we have one episode WITHOUT that smirking douche Logan." Chocolate is nice, but dog food is better?

One of my guesses was "Mom? Yeah? I'm pregnant."
The other one was "Logan is your brother."

"Also, get Jess a girlfriend or fiance and Rory will be all over him."

To be fair, Smith wasn't really a stoner until he met Seth Rogen and the latter's bad influence rubbed off. So wearing the same hockey shirt for 20 years? Sober idea.

That line was a joke. "My ancestors came on the Mayflower" is an old cliche that rich people are supposed to say. …Did every family that arrived on the Mayflower become rich or something?

If she's like her mother, she'll get around to telling him when she needs money.

Rory is realistically rich; Logan has a Money Bin he swims in and probably owns a dog with dollar signs for spots.

No mention of the Big Lipped Alligator Moment that was the first quarter? I sat there in disbelief thinking to myself "If this isn't a dream, I'll be furious." It wasn't a dream, and I was furious.

They warned me about this musical sequence, but when I heard "Stars Hollow musical" I thought there was this bizarre bit where Lorelai and Rory suddenly burst into song and it lasted five minutes and turned into an entire Broadway number. It would have been out there for a program like this, but I think I would've

Lorelai and Rory are two of the most pop-culture-savvy people on Earth; they drop references to incredibly obscure movies, books, and works of art all the time. So with all that encyclopedic knowledge of stories and tropes, they would know…..

You HAVE heard the news today, haven't you? And no, it's not "Firefly is back."