The One True Opinion

There are a lot of things being brought up in these talkbacks that would be interesting if they were directly asked to Amy. "What about a Lane show?" "What about a Paris show?" And we'd get reactions like the Stars Hollow play review board: "Why, who's demanding those?"

I don't have the ability to make GIFs, but I captured the image to use as an avatar later. Might as well share it. BOOM, baby!…

Someone mentioned "the Winchester family" in Episode One. You could take it as a reference to the show, but it was said in such a way that you could twist it into Sam and Dean being in that universe.

That made me scratch my head for a minute. The characters are so cartoonishly overprivileged that Rachael Ray actually working at the Dragonfly Inn was not out of the realm of possibility. I'm still not sure that wasn't really supposed to be her.

Jess is in the Netflix thumbnail for crying out loud. Come on, Mariano, save Rory from these creeps already!

I realize this is the end of GG, but I want a spinoff centered around Paris (and I think everybody else on the planet does except the Palladinos).

You like the guy who's cheating on his fiance and using Rory for sex? I don't get it.

Oh, that is it. That is the final straw. We need to hunt down 2016 and execute it early. Normally I don't advocate such violence, but this is the only way. We can't let it live one more month!

I just realized how much Gilmore Girls and the comic strip "Judge Parker" have in common.

Then how come other WB shows got to have them? Did Joss Whedon just have more pull than Amy at the network?

That wheelchair bit wasn't meant to be serious.

I find Lorelai's selfishness funny and endearing. It's Rory that can't sell it.

Season six was when the Gilmore Girls weren't speaking to each other, right? Terrible idea. And the "Luke's Daughter" subplot. And the episode at the Vineyard where nothing happened at all. Yeah, it's a stinker. The show started to go south in Season 5 and I point the blame at a certain cocky rich boy.

I don't cry at TV shows. But Emily standing alone in front of that casket was the saddest thing I've seen all year!

It's the same Rory I remember. She couldn't act in the original. She has an impossibly high-level job (for a writer, definitely) where she gets to travel around the world and have people fall at her feet for reasons that aren't explained onscreen — just like the original. She lets Logan walk all over her as long as

I still love Jessica Jones, and I always will. But the themes of rape and domestic abuse are so IN YOUR FACE that it would be difficult to sit through twice.

Take my pen-knife, my good man! ……D'OH

Unfortunately, when I think of Henderson the first thing that come to mind is a Polident commercial from 1995 where she leers into the camera with big bug-eyes and says "Do YOU know how to control denture odor?" Not the best memory.

To be fair, he did speak out against a recent alt-right rally where guys were making Nazi salutes and yelling "HEIL TRUMP." However, the statement wasn't nearly as vitriolic and filled with rage as his reaction to Hamilton was.

Well said….see, you can express good ideas without using them as a weapon to beat down people. Take note, Katie.