The One True Opinion

Yup. She combs her hair now; that's unforgivable. Not my Cam!

I enjoyed the season up to these last two episodes; then I couldn't stand it. Robbed of four years of character development, just like that? And they're behaving so irrationally, soap opera-y and predictably here. Every time two characters of the opposite sex meet and talk, you just wait for the bed scene in five

It's very Raven; she loves Disney and has said she wants to work with them forever. The whole thing was probably her idea.

Wow, she had kids fast. Shattered Cory and Topanga's record!

I'm a flop and proud of it. He sucks like the vacuum of space.

I can hear the laugh track.

I came here for a merciless takedown of the "young people suck" show and left disappointed. Bah. *kicks can*

I was wondering when someone was going to point this out. I've been reminded of Richfield's presidential campaign several times while watching Trump.

It would make sense if it was. "Xeno" = foreign or alien, "morph" = they take the shape and form of whatever they hatch out of.

You're telling me Jack Chick read The AV Club. I find it hard to believe.

My favorite is from his interpretation of the events just prior to

I miss X-E. I know we have Dinosaur Dracula now, but X-E's archive is so unstable you can't really go back. And doesn't work — Matt blocked the copy with robots.txt for some reason.

Could they ever do that? I don't remember very many kids being able to purchase a NES or SNES with their own cash.

That would be fine if anyone could just waltz in there. Myspleen is still a private, blocked-off site. I'd love to browse their library, but I have no friends with connections.

You let her see that? What kind of imaginary father are you?

People keep telling me magnetic media degrades and yet I haven't found any proof. I'm digitizing old VHSes all the time, and the ones from the early 80's are pretty much the same as the ones from the late 90's. I've taken tapes recorded in 1984 and covered in mold, cleaned them up, hit "play"….they work. Very rarely

How is this, loyal viewers? I watched the pilot and didn't like it; it was too rom-commy; too slanted toward a young female "OMG LOOK AT THIS HOT GUY" audience. And then they revealed the man she dumped him for, who happened to be a nerd, which was played for laughs. HATED that. Has it gotten any better?

Half the slang words you hear about, kids don't actually say. The media tends to pick a few fringe words used in scattered places to magnify differences between generations. Barely anyone actually says "on fleek."

An elevator….that's a spider? I really can't visualize this. Wouldn't you notice right away?

Just as Sarah Palin materializes anywhere a far-right movement happens, so does Michael Moore materialize anywhere a far-left movement happens. And for the same reason: attention and money.