Janet Weiss beat the living shit out of a drum kit on SK’s roster and it is extremely punk of her to tap out when the band is going as commercial as possible..
Janet Weiss beat the living shit out of a drum kit on SK’s roster and it is extremely punk of her to tap out when the band is going as commercial as possible..
Or that they are “beautiful human submarines.” Gotta be honest, I don’t understand what that means, but if my man Bone says it, I believe it.
A heartbreaking piece about Arnold Lobel, the author/illustrator of the Frog and Toad series, was published in The…
Using an unprecedented technique of matching stars to the locations of temples on Earth, a 15-year-old Canadian…
There is a lot to unpack here.
This time he made sure there would be something in that fucking vault.
Correction. That’s dead cheap!
a diarrhea catapult aimed straight at the stars & bars am i right
Instead of a water pipeline how about filling the lake with William Shatner’s ego......that should keep water levels up.....
A woman I'll call Amy is a thirtysomething who has been happily married for six years, but for the last four and a…
Yeah...one decent comment does not undo a litany of crap.
I have this fantasy of her turnin' sane and breakin' the chains and switchin' sides.... but yeah, reality is probably much closer to what you just described.
I agree. There is trouble a-brewin' in the GOP-verse.
Please don't. People in the land of God, guns, grits, and gravy do not masturbate. Ever.
Either her contract is up soon or her contract is bulletproof.
Whenever Mike Huckabee speaks, I want to make a jack-off motion with my hand.
What is going on with Megyn Kelly lately??????? Here we have yet another clip of her smacking down the dang…
It's been a rough week for Sony execs (million-dollar salaries notwithstanding). And things are only going to get…