Well, more of a rounded triangle ...
Well, more of a rounded triangle ...
Like a Pacer, it’s timeless. At no time was it ever attractive. :)
...and leaving the scene of an accident with injuries.
But is it faster than the quickest known vehicle?
Unfortunately, birds are stupid.
Nobody that I would associate with.
Can you hear it? That’s the sound of thousands of Youtubers pretending to be scared while they record their Let’s Plays. A true sign that Halloween season is in full swing.
I went on VWVortex once when I bought my passat. Once.
Thats just dishonest mate, hammerheadfistpunch out.
Why did you TURN!?!?
All of VWVortex..
Sorry Volvophiles, but I really can’t take any car with the name “Polestar” seriously, it sounds like someone that can pick up dollar bills with their butt cheeks and shoot cocktail olives out of their trap while Warrant is playing in the background.
Executive Producer Mel Gibson reportedly expressed regret, but no surprise that the murder was conducted by an Iceberg.
“damned brakes aren’t working again” - me, hitting a parked car as I slide on an iced-over parking lot
Who doesn’t love the gastronomy, right? Hell, I always wanted to be a gastronomer.
What does this “worse” stuff mean?
ISIL isn’t “PC” your little pissant its just a slightly more current name than ISIS.