
Silver: Nothing good was available

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While I’m not exactly a huge fan, for me there are two sides to the appeal.

Well at least you got the water

I'm a 300 lb guy with several years of riding and currently a ludicrously fast bike, and I had a blast on a 99 ninja 250.

“Oh, wait, sorry guys the camera was off. Can we do another take?”

Looks better, yes. From everything I’ve seen, though, it still feels like a snowmobile to ride.

I know a girl who didn’t know how to drive automatic.

There are dozens of us 12c-preferrers! Dozens!

You may be thinking of the (I think) 787 that had several battery-related fires.

I have fairly large feet and that stopped bothering me after the first few days. It’s something you just adapt to.

Yes. All laws. True innovation can only exist in a pure anarchy. Just ask Somalia’s high-tech industry.

On the Tri-motor it looks like it’s part of the overall design. The Junker looks like it was added in at the last minute, is all I’m saying.

So long as you don’t feel imitable.

That plane really looks like they built a twin-engine plane, tested it, and found it needed more power. That nose engine does not look like it was meant to be there.

But wait, is Denim made from two different fibers? If so, even that isn’t allowed under the Bible.

The Tundra is by far the worst, but I see more of these.

The Tundra was the killing blow, but the F150 knocked it down first.

No, he wasn't. He's a known fan of the little rolly board up there, and calls them hover boards. Nor are either of the two working examples usable outside special tracks.

I am 90% sure he meant these. He’s talked about them extensively and calls them hoverboards for some daft reason.