
That’s probably my biggest question about all of this. Wouldn’t it have been better, say 6 months ago, to just go “You know what? We tried, but it’s too big. This is going to be a next generation console game only.”?

Not really. There’s at least one platform Cyberpunk 2077 plays well on. Daikatana has never played well on anything ever.

I don’t know how anyone can be so willfully blind as to not be able to connect these dots directly to Bill Gates.

a “promised homeland” doesnt mean ethno-state. and the three oaths says nobody is ready for israel yet. Y’all need to learn how to get along and separate religion/ethnicity from state.

And if Israeli troops kill children?  What would that be called?

I don’t think Bush was a “beloved friend” of Coretta King or John Lewis, given how fiercely they criticized his administration. I think Harry Belafonte was a beloved friend of Coretta King and the entire King family yet he was disinvited to speak at her funeral because of White House pressure and family nonsense etc.

I have no problem with Jewish people or Judaism. I have a problem with war criminals. We all should. And it happens that the gangster regime squatting in Jerusalem is just that, a bunch of war criminals who need to be rounded up and sent to the Hague.

“The Jews”

Seriously. Israel is — at least supposedly — a democratic country, and the ability to criticise the government is a fundamental foundation of the democratic system. If you criticise Israel because its Jewish inhabitants you are an anti-Semite, if you criticise it because of the actions of its government, you are

The Jews have a history of persecution, so they are automatically always the good guy and victim”

but they’re surrounded on all sides by people that would very much love to wipe them off the face of the earth, for no other reason than because they’re Jews. Israel is in a perpetual cold war state with every single one of its neighbors.”

Israel’s current government is fucking trash, and most of that is Benjamin Netanyahu. There’s definitely a whole lot of people that are just as garbage, though, seeing as how they keep re-electing him and his party.

The United States can’t even run their own free and fair elections you fucking idiot. You don’t know what is best for Venezuela. You have no idea what is happening there. Stupid racist assholes like you said the same things about Iraq and Afghanistan. Shut the fuck up before you kill a million people in Venezuela.

I’m fucking livid about the anti-Omar offensive, but it’s silly to pin it on the Speaker. Pelosi knows her caucus, and she knows that it contains a lot of very senior, very pro-Israel, very racist white dudes. She can fight with them now over (stupid, racist, bigoted) symbolic action against a freshman Rep, or she can

The president went on a 2.5 hour coke fueled ramble session the other day, but boy do we need to still keep worrying about 1 congressmember from Minnesota who is doing nothing but telling the truth.

Protect this woman at all costs!! this is just trash excuses and reasons to silence a black muslim woman. do not let them. she has every right to question how policies are made. Its not anti semetic to tell the truth, ask valid questions, or to question the actions of the nation of Israel. 

Cnservatives: “Israel is the only Western style pluralistic democracy in the middle East!”

“Questioning support for the US-Israel relationship is unacceptable”

I think it’s more than a bit ridiculous that her disliking a lobbying group is equivocal to her disliking Jewish people. This is the same tripe that conservatives engage in vis a vis “the troops” and criticism of American foreign policy.

If you want to say that talking about Jewish fiscal influence is gauche at best and

How cowardly do you have to be to lobby the government to make it illegal to criticize your imperialist, racist country?