
Like it or not, people will continue to use any communication technology available to pass their opinions and their perspective along to the masses, especially politicians. You might think Twitter is doing more harm than good but this Congresswoman has been effective in getting her message out and social media is a

I will continue to need to speak for the reasonable Jew community of this country. Engel, shut the fuck up. There is positively nothing anti-Semitic about what she said. If she was talking about any other country, this article wouldn’t exist.

Can’t wait to see how the “Israel defenders” in our government deflect this (while STILL vilifying Omar):

Omar is not a stupid person, and she has to know anytime you start talking about fears of “allegiance” to Israel or dual allegiance, folks are going to point out that this was the language to stoke fears of Jewish politicians for years.

just ask people defending israel if they’ve signed their loyalty oaths yet

Israel is crossing dangerous lines in their meddling in our politics. The United States have elected 3 Muslims to Congress and all three have been smeared as anti-Semites by corrupt forces in our government and media. Enough.

This here is the fear of powerful people who know their boat is about to get fucking rocked.

whatever, troll better, boring

Except that music and movie are also a commodity and service, much like Netflix and other industries. EA is doing exactly like any other company.

On the one hand, legalize and regulate sex work.

Why? Season already had a happy ending.

If there’s not an on-board drugstore where I can buy “CONDOMS, ROSE! CONDOMS! CONDOMS! CONDOMS!” this isn’t a real GG cruise.

I know where they should film Deadpool 3.

I believe the GGs had a big gay following, too, so this could be a very lively cruise indeed.

no, that wouldnt have helped hillary, but the dotard was also on some of those passenger manifests too, right?

according to an interview i saw, i dont think bernie would have been ok with the VP position. i think it would have been a winning ticket though.

How about ... just meeting somewhere in the middle? How about we consider that, perhaps, the Japanese attitude isn’t exactly more “reasonable” either, once we consider that its own extremes include the JK industry, animated underage pornography, and videogames simulating rape?