
I think I was at that show. One of those models sauntered up to me with, I think, a GBA SP and Donkey Kong Country and handed it to me; while I was playing it, she came around the side and leaned her chest against my left arm, and when I glanced at her, she said “I just want to watch you play. You’re so good!”


No, they just hired Ronda Rousey to voice Sonya Blade

One of the many many reasons to prefer Asia over America

We love guns and we love bloody hamburgers, but how dare you try to teach my child what safe sex is. 

Given that violence is harmful and boobs aren’t, the Japanese attitude seems reasonable doesn’t it? Europeans also tend to have bigger issues with violence than nudity or sex. It’s really Americans with their Puritan history that sick out.

But the stream was cut due to gameplay footage. So what SJ stated actually fits the scenario here.

I mean, this isn’t really a part of the sex vs violence debate, it’s about sexualization and objectification

You are actually more right then you know. You can't buy mortal kombat in Japan because of the violence. If you want it and your Japanese you have to import it.

Funny enough, Japan would be the opposite. They would have no problems with the boobs and sex poses, but any fatality in Mortal Kombat would get the stream censored.

Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, they try to pull the plug.

Sarah Connor: Skynet fights back.

Haha can’t wait for all the blood and gore of MK 11!

“Effective” is a weird word to use when you start looking at the numbers. At full charge, Symmetra does 180dps. At zero charge, Soldier 76 does 170dps, and can double that with headshots.  And Soldier 76 isn’t even considered good.

You are making all of these claims about lynch mobs that you haven’t seen firsthand. I have been to Israel four times, and lived there for a year (again, while working on peace initiatives). Yes, there are bad elements in all parts of society, but I tend to not paint an entire group of people/country with the same

Yeah, but what happened when they asked it this?

It’s not perfect yet. It was the best of times, it was the BLURST of times? DAMN YOU, STUPID TEXT GENERATOR!”

I don’t think you should be beating yourself up about it. Trying to “white knight” the situation would have done no good whatsoever. It probably would have made the situation even more awkward than it already was. She was just doing her best to get through the day and get paid for it. You calling attention to it

I don’t know what that is. I should probably google it.

Choreography is copyrightable (just like any other creative expression like music or writin) if it has been “fixed in some tangible medium of expression” such as choreography notation, written description, or video recording.

How....are there only four female characters in this? H o w?

Only 3 female characters, and one of them is... Boa Hancock? The one piece character whose real power is not fighting, but in fact avoiding having to fight by making people fall in love with her? That’s just... Bizarre.