
I have enough Jewish/Israeli friends to know mamzer, unfortunately.

Yeah, I have extremely complicated feelings about Israel in general, but the conflation of Israel = Judaism is 100% a right-wing fantasy used to insulate their foreign policy aims from criticism.

That’s not what any of those words mean.

Okay, so you’re explicitly admitting that they have no moral or legal authority... less than an hour after saying that they’re just exercising their moral and legal authority. Do you need to go sit at the kids’ table for a bit while the grown-ups are talking?

First of all: those are both very good dogs.

Fuck you you racist piece of shit.   The only reason you racist scum are picking on Ilhan Omar is because of her religion and the color of her skin.   

As always...

Her party knew exactly what her intent was, they are just cowards. This could have been galvanizing moment where they actually tried to right the wrongs of the past, but they decide to bend the knee to moneyed interests.

As I noted yesterday, that Israel is a precious and perfect gemstone that must be shielded from any and all criticism at all times is literally the only thing republican and democrat politicians agree on anymore. You’re not breaking that hold on either side.

Look at the politicians, left and right, that condemned Omar. Cross check that with politicians that have received AIPAC money.

“This cannot sustain itself. It’s unacceptable in this country.”

This whole fake “controversy” has been pretty illuminating — from the bad-faith readings of Omar’s tweets, to the cynicism of demonstrably antisemitic right-wingers daring to accuse her of the same, to the absolute cowardice of the Democratic Party leadership (anyone still positing Nancy Pelosi as some kinda

This is incredibly important. It was said last night (and I personally agree) that Twitter is an awful platform for serious policy proposals or nuanced political thought, primarily because the platform is oriented toward terse communication and short-form witticisms, rather than anything approaching legitimate

It’s an absolute joke that she got this backlash, and I say that as someone with Jewish heritage who’s been called an anti-Semite for not backing Israel 100%. A Muslim woman is going to get the same reception, except 10,000 times worse.

If anything can break the hold AIPAC has on the Democratic party, it’s going to be Bibi explicitly aligning himself with the GOP. Shit like this makes me think it’s never going to happen, though.

The Republican Party is close to being decimated in CA.

You’re correct about all this; I was speaking about the US Army. Rules for the NG are indeed different, and there are plenty of examples of NG troops performing certain law enforcement functions. But absent a full call-up, the governors decide what they do, and in this case Brown also directed them to perform support

theoretically, the tenured CBP agents doing the admin & support jobs are very happy to have reached that desk level and not be out in the thick dealing with all the day-to-day immigrants. Now they’re forced out from behind their desks and back into the field ... so not sure they’re all too happy & gung-ho for Trump’s

I recall pre-midterms when those troops were deployed near the border, they sat around doing nothing, and I believe a few off the record mentioned how stupid it was they were just there sitting there with their thumb up their asses waiting for orders or to be demobilized.

Damn. The California National Guard is the lynchpin of my fantasy war lineup — now I’m gonna have to pull some scrubs off the waiver wire to compensate.