
Exactly that. The knife in my analogy being nukes. If you want to make a country more arrogant, just give them nuclear weapons, to turn it into a real dick measuring contest

Israel is kind of the arrogant small kid with the massive best friend. Mouthing off to the other kids, because he knows that his friend has his back. Then the small kid gets hold of a knife...

You forgot the part where the Dubs lost game 7 to the Clippers in 2014 and Mark Jackson got fired, opening up a vastly more compelling head coaching position than the Knicks dumpster fire he was about to hop into.

He also had the misfortune of having his Father murdered by some extremist assholes when he was 20 years old so....I think Steve definitely has earned some good fortune along the way. As a player and a coach he’s always carried himself with modesty and an appreciation of his place on the NBA food chain

“...arguing that Jews are ‘European’ is a gross oversimplification at best and an antisemitic canard at worst. Jews are unambiguously a diaspora ethnic people from the Levant, some of whom have some conditional whiteness (at least in the United States), but it’s worth noting that the majority of Jews in Israel are not

In other news, my dog just learned to beat off.

I was told in this thread that questioning anything beyond the most basic tenets of Zionism, and only insofar as it applies specifically to Palestinians, was off the table and beyond the pale.

Those “settlers” have to be moved back to the 1948 borders. They are trespassers and in violation of the resolution that created modern Israel.

Ray Ratto?? What are you doing slumming on a site like this? You should be somewhere sipping mai tais and yelling at clouds.

(Nice piece, though. I agree... I’m all hated out on the Pats. The NFL as a whole is mostly irrelevant to me.)

Unfortunately a two-state solution has been rendered impossible by Israeli settlements (seriously, look at the Swiss cheesification of Palestinian territory over the last decades and tell me how you build two contiguous states outta that). A one-state solution, with Palestinians incorporated into Israel as full

Please note that I in no way complained about the existence of a Jewish state. I am opposed to ALL ethno-states and theocracies, because they have a tendency to generate apartheid situations for their minority populations.

And ironically, it was our Ashkenazi Yiddish culture which suffered the most during the Israeli ethnogenesis- basically to the point of the total extermination. Obviously being culturally erased is far preferable to the physically obliteration suffered by Palestinians, but damn, Israel is terrible for everyone, all

I have zero respect for, and will vote against, any Democrat that signs on to this bullshit.  Last time I checked, our nation’s flag was not the Star of David.  Israel’s government is scum.

I am not suggesting that Jews, as a people (of whom I am one, btw), are ethnically European, like some Khazar Theory bullshit or w/e. What I am saying is that the European Jews — as opposed to the Mizrahim, Ethiopian Jews, etc. — who colonized Palestine and founded Israel did so explicitly along the ideological and

This is not a “pro Israel” lobby. It is a pro war and oppression lobby.

A bunch of the blindly unwavering support for Israel comes from Christian groups who think that it will be the battleground to bring about their biblical end of the world. They like the idea of the end of the world, because they believe that they get a reward of eternal life in some mythical wonderland. At the same

One of the best parts of that episode is that it shows what a superhero team would look like after they’ve spent too much time together. The Avenger are great after 5 years together, but I would watch the living shit out of Avengers: Married With Children.

You realize that making Israel an ethno-state where anyone else is a second class citizen is part of the problem, right?

Sorry friend. If you want to get to the good stuff, you have to read to the end like everybody else. But, by all means, you’re more than welcome not to. I encourage it, even. I’m quite happy to continue on not having to deal with whatever inane chatter you think is worth replying to me about.

I don’t need a spare tire, either. But I have one for the same reason I have a handgun: Precaution.