
It’s not as if Witten has any experience with handling trophies. 

I thought he redeemed himself with “Let me just put the thing back on the thing, yeah there we go, all fixed.”

Nice going. Now he’s fleeing to his safe house in Flagstaff again.

As long as the chocolate under the foil wasn’t damaged, what’s the big deal?

Can old and middle aged white men like shut the fuck up for the next 400 years. Looking at you Bill Maher, Chuck Todd and anyone at Fox News. Thanks

That trophy looks like plastic though. 

That’s just good hustle by Witten, no way that thing fits in a standard trash can in one piece.

This is a paladin card.  You can only put it in a Paladin deck.  On top of that you need to build around it a significant amount.

You are allowing yourself some wiggle room here because you’re on the outside looking in.

Yo listen up, here’s the story
About a little guy that lives in a blue world

I completely believe his victims. I also think he was a musical genius and love his music.

Tell me, will support for the Venezuelan people manifest itself in roving death squads and dropping university students from helicopters? Because thats usually a hallmark of US “help” in South America.

Good luck! Nellie carries a four inch blade on his person at all times.


There is a zero percent chance Guaidó would have made his move but for an explicit guarantee from the US, which has been attempting to overthrow various Venezuelan governments since Chavez’s first election (remember, this is now the second coup the US has tried to engineer, the first taking place in 2002 and failing

The opposition is minimally supported. Guaidó is barely known in the country, and his party draws its strength from the country’s wealthier, whiter minority. There are numerous elements in Venezuela strongly critical of Maduro — most of them coming from the left — but none of them are backing Guaidó.

Heathers and Dynasty on tv, Blade Runner and Predator in theaters, a crazy big royal wedding, Weezer’s singing Africa, the Russians are up to their dirty tricks, and Iran-Contra’s in the news. The 80s are BACK!

Haha and some nutsack here was calling me a conspiracy theorist just yesterday for suggesting the US might have had a little something to do with this. I reiterate: fucking imperialists.