
I wouldn’t go *that* far - Weiner is a serial sex offender, after all, and it’s valid to ask if he’s really learned anything or if his punishment was indeed too light generally - but yeah, this article’s tone is troubling, and in general I don’t think it’s a benign direction for the party to be heading in.

Of course Trump is unqualified for the Presidency. Is this a surprise to anybody? But if you make the argument that it is *solely* due to his Epstein adventure - then Bill was just as unqualified.

You really don’t understand how absolutely fucked-up and criminal Goldman Sachs is, do you? Or how dangerous it is to have top members of the Democratic Party in their back pocket?

No, he just *was* President.

Oh, and Trump was a [Epstein] plane passenger & Island visitor.

I think it’s arguable that Weiner was *one* of the straws that broke the Hillary campaign’s back, actually, especially since this shit broke only a week or two before Election Day. That being said, I also hate to remind everyone that someone being an idiot and making an election not go the way you wanted it to go is

Yeah, I imagine you were, because the GBA SP sounds right in my memory.

Please let’s not give publishers too many ideas.

Now playing

Got it...ripping someone’s face off and eating their brain out from inside their skull is ok, eating butt is a no-no.

It was 13-14 years ago now, I’m not going to do anything at this point.

In all fairness, NetherRealms has never dragged a coalition of actual human hobos on stage to be eviscerated by a man in a Scorpion costume.

I get all of that. I am sorry for generalizing.

To be honest, Nintendo’s policies towards women are not always so benign.

No because a religion is a action, if your [sic] not practicing or never practiced then you’re not . My dad could be a vegan that doesn’t make me half a vegan.

So to claim that “fully side” with the governance of Israel is patently ridiculous. Do you side fully with Hamas and/or Fatah? I would certainly hope not.

I ask because you’re either Jewish or not

Reminds me of Sausage Party!

if a tree falls in the forest and noone is there to flag it, you better believe it’s full of pregnant spidermen

You can get to “Assman” pretty easily from Asman/Osman, which are transliterations of a famous Turkish name.

Come now, surely not the *only* context.