
“Asman” and “Usman” are possibly transliterations of “Osman”, one of the more common historical Turkish names.

I haven’t.  Why?

I’m cool with it, trust me.

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Israel’s government maintains a calculated, longstanding, manipulative, and really quite inhuman effort to usurp Judaism as a whole towards its ends and its war crimes.

You missed it when a young Israeli jackass was all over Bernie’s page two years ago, sniping it and hacking it, posting about how “white women are beautiful” and saying “gross” if anyone posted a picture of a minority woman, I see.

Anyone sane left the right wing long ago.

That all being said - you don’t seem like an evil person, Jenny.

What’s the main avenue in Tel Aviv called, dear? Do you think there are no right-wing viewpoints or Likud political leaders in the office towers above those cafes where young liberal Israelis hang out?

There is money to be had for education for anyone GOOD enough to go get it. Jimmy with the D- average who excels at fuck all in life, may not be University, let alone CEO material, and likely needs to sit down and shut up, because grown ups are talking...

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How on Earth can you love a post like that?

In this case, Rep. Omar may not have intentionally called upon Jewish stereotypes, but she did so nonetheless.

NO STARS for your pro-Israeli, anti-Rep. Omar, pro-war crimes position.

Head-to-head Tetris is very fun though.

But I must have had a happier life growing up in California than your average Israeli Jew, for sure, though. I’m just not as angry as the Israeli lobby is. I don’t want to go murder people in “defense” of the Holy Land.

I’m part-Jewish myself. Please pull that string of pearls out of the clutch of your ass and wake up and smell the war crimes. The victim mentality has to go. It’s not okay anymore to keep the Palestinians in giant concentration camps just because “it’s our turn now”.

Oh, my goodness.

Oh, my God. That’s uncanny.

Israelis go to bed soon, and then it will fall off.  Bet.

I would guess that the hasbara teams are out.  A lot of un-greying of the kind of anti-Islamic bigotry being seen here gets sent to us via trans-Atlantic cables from Tel Aviv, sad to say...though, admittedly, we have plenty of our own too.

Cinderella? U ok, hon?