In fact, you regularly do.
In fact, you regularly do.
See? See this shit?
Oh, the “Jewish jihad” (as I like to refer to Likudniks and the Haredim and the settlers and et cetera) definitely has generational, zealot ideology as a “plus” in their endless bid for bullshit.
Really - I get it from both sides. I have Jewish and Arab ancestry both. And if Israel and Islam continue to light the world on fire and drag everyone into their conflict as they have been, the entire world’s a no-man’s land for me.
I get it that the GOP is a hive of *actual* anti-Semitism - these days the GOP never met a racist attitude it didn’t like - but my problem is that when Engel takes Omar out to the hallway to chastise her for being a misbehaving student over all the wrong things, we as Jews look fuckin’ bad and like we can’t even…
Amen! Just checking.
And what’s your feeling on Rep. Omar’s statements, and Engel’s role in censuring her?
All the while they toil away with their high school educations at their minimum wage jobs and think life has given them lemons instead of managers positions... /rollseyes
No, it’s like playing Monopoly but giving some players a stack of $500's to start, and letting other people start with $1 and quintupling any fines/fees they get from Community Chest/Chance, et cetera.
Sure, sure. Can you advise me on more opportunities to learn about my Jewish heritage from a bunch of Germans and Frenchmen named “Roth”? I always thought our symbol was the Star of David, but apparently no, it’s a pyramid with an eyeball in it?
That’s a shame. Are you planning to support his opponents in the next set of primaries?
“Uh, hi? Is this Elliot Abrams? Yeah, see, you sent us the wrong check. This is Lindt & Sprü, no we make chocolate. I think you wanted to send this $10,000,000 for targeted assassinations to known criminal arms dealer Sprungli Lindt instead?”
She is. It’s very telling that the Democratic Party forced her to make a public apology simply for telling the truth - in other words, that Israel bribes a great deal of Congress. In particular, it shows that Israeli bribery isn’t limited to the Republicans, even if it’s most prominent there.
Dan Patrick? That’s very clearly just Jeb Bush in a wig and glasses.
I wish I could say I had “complicated feelings” about Israel. In truth, I probably do. One of my best friends from childhood was Israeli. I don’t hate the Israelis - at least those who don’t know what their government does, forgive them, they know not what they do - I believe all people have a right to exist.
You’re a homicidal asshole and an embittered jackass. Stop speaking for my Jewish heritage. Israel is acting exactly like the Nazis used to, in the classic abused-abuser paradigm - keeping an essentially enslaved people in bondage and horror, posing existential threat to their very existence - and it particularly…
They have a legal authority by right of conquest. Grow the fuck up, child.