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It’s sad to see hasbara-influenced, brainwashed nonsense like this getting any stars at all.

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It’s an absolute joke that she got this backlash, and I say that as someone with Jewish heritage who’s been called an anti-Semite for not backing Israel 100%.

Across the DMZ: <”Do Americans have trouble shitting?”>

Sure, sure.

Trust me, ten percent of the initial star count of the thread in question isn’t nearly where I’d like to be.

...but CEOs and shareholders gotta eat.

I hope you’re ready for this at-bat. Kotick sucks. He’s sucked for a long time. Ask West and Zampella.

Weeks, if necessary!  Love you too.

Someone should really ask some of the folks deployed on this what the Hell we actually paid American soldiers to do, during all of these border-bolstering hijinks.

“Jews” as a whole cannot be said to control anything, as Judaism is not monolithic and cannot be represented or reduced down to a single organization or viewpoint. The notion that the Zionist lobby has some ugly and pernicious tentacles in our government, however, ought to be one by now that sane people recognize as a

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What do you think odds are on seeing some Hangover II-style antics from him when he’s finally indicted?  

I mean...points for picking someone who actually has gobs of money, right?

The problem is that Kells is on another level to some of this shit. He’s got a lot of former lovers saying he basically is running a sex slavery system out of his various harems.

Trust, but verify.

Take pride. Some people can’t stand it when someone else is the more interesting person in the room.

Some hoes are beyond saving.  They act chickenheaded, are jealous that they’re not rich and powerful, and eventually piss off the wrong people.  Does that sound like anyone we know?

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“Newton’s 4th Law” and “The Project” from the original Gex.