
I don’t consider Israeli murderers to be “Jews” anymore - me and my Jewish last name and my part-Jewish ancestry still have enough respect for the Commandments to pronounce killers, liars, and coveters of neighboring land to be apostate - but hey, you do you.

Truth hurts, eh kiddo?

My last name is on the side of a U.S. Federal headquarters right now, “a Kinja guy”.

OK yourself, Donald.

Stars are hard to find when a comment is out of the initial replies.

This really isn’t about what anyone thinks it is.

Lots of undercurrents here most of my fellow Americans don’t know about, and Russia is far less of a factor than Israel. Maduro is incompetent and has taken Venezuela to a terrible place, but the sanctions really aren’t about what people think they are, and I’m pretty sure the U.S. isn’t backing his opponent out of a

This dude deserves ten times more media coverage than anyone else involved in this scandal - but because he was *not* involved in this scandal, he’ll get a tenth of it.

“I don’t get why people now throw Mr Phillips in with them.”

Because you do not yet understand the mindset of white America that feels horribly victimized, hardship-ridden, and put-upon, and sees the behavior of people like the Black Israelites as perfect proof that “the left is racist so why can’t we be”?

Well, America put a boatload of evidence for me in your “legal and societal systems in capitalist countries serve capital, and thus evil” column today.

I get it that you’re mad, but on the truce level I’m going to say this:

Not necessarily.

That’s not a debate. “I won’t vote for a cop and fuck you if you will” sounds real spicy, but it’s not going to win liberalism jack shit in 2020, and in the end you’re just going to come off as a hater. You want political capital here, you talk real policy, experiences, real solutions, counterproposals - yeah, cops

You’ve made some wonderful points, and I actually agree about the death tolls of capitalism - look at the million-plus Arabs and Muslims killed in this grotesque “War on Terror”, which we are still lowballing the figures of to this day. I’ve seen U.S. soldiers threaten to shoot American anti-war activists and “plant

I’m down. These are good ideas.

Policing in the US, and any capitalist country, inherently serves capital (and is correspondingly racist, misogynist, and anti-worker)

I still think you need a better answer to the contrast between your desire to scuttle Harris because “fuck the police” - and the notion that Communist countries throughout the last hundred years of our history have established some of the most repressive police states known to mankind.

Suit yourself. That’s a million potential American votes you want to toss away.