
“Fuck the cops and the police state, that’s why we need Communism instead” is still kinda blowing my mind, so you will forgive me if I need time to process this.

I highly disagree.  At least in the comments people have a *chance* at an honest take.

Honestly, if your argument is that you don’t want a police state, advocating hardline Communism may not be the best way to win hearts and minds.

Uh huh.

Oooh, yeah! Political commercials!

Feel free to make the case for them.

Personally, as someone who’d rather destroy oppressive institutions than attempt what I’ve come to see as a fool’s errand of “reforming” their inherent natures, my solutions are to press for fundamental, radical change while grabbing whatever immediate improvements can be found.

Who are you backing, if I may ask?

And what’s your counterproposal?

McKinney had more principle, I agree.

Ungreying because this is good debate. Yes, her record on failing to take a tougher stance on criminal justice reform needs to be addressed.

It’s also gonna be some weapons-grade cynical bullshit if The Root’s crab-bucket crew comes over here and busts up the campaign of one of the strongest black women to run for President in years because hey, fuck the police.

Kamala Harris will win Watts AND Santa Monica

I am no stranger to police-state bullshit and violence.

Kamala Harris is an ultra-moderate ... leaning right. She is “progressive” in exactly the same way Clinton was progressive.

That didn’t happen. Most Bernie supporters by and large voted for Hillary. Stop peddling centrist lies.

There is a need to deport people sometimes, ya know. Especially in a country as large as the US with as many immigration issues as it has.

A police-state Democrat

I agree with you in principle, but this isn’t the way to reach the undecideds on her. If we are all serious about putting her in office - and I am - then the way is to actually treat her haters with as much compassion and grace as we can muster, particularly the ones on the left who will actually possibly vote for her