
Imagine how much she’ll scare them as the President.

Thank you! The truces are important!

I’ve been supporting her for years.  Where have you been?

Her foreign policy is pretty complex and hard to pin down to a single position.

its sure easy to piss the same group of commenters off.

Honestly, I didn’t put much thought into replying to you.

You are an idiot, and not worth my time or anyone else’s, since you clearly have a great deal of your own to waste. But I have already wasted a good hour listening to your vituperative, unjustified hatred; so I will ask - what is it about me - or more precisely, the existence of “banking conspiracies” that so

you can write as much as you’d like but i still think you’re full of shit and looking for attention on the internet.

Let’s play a game:

We absolutely need good public schools in America. LAUSD isn’t it as it currently stands. That needs to be talked about no matter what. We need better public education all the way through, including a workable system of public educational universities that cost $10-15k a year for tuition again.  The problems with

Do you realize you just made your own argument? $31-42 for 9 months of the year.

Obviously, not to your satisfaction, but he did lose a year of his career.

Is this an offer that anyone threatened online can take advantage of?

Victoria “Goldstein” Goldman disagrees with you.

“My true height is an irrational, infinite, non-terminating decimal number known only to God. Your traditional measures of height are inadequate to express my greatness.

I’m 5'5.5".  I *routinely* used to lie and say I was 5'6" instead.  We are indeed a reprehensible bunch.

Like you said - your father stepped in when your math teacher failed to do his job properly.

Yeah. You’ve convinced me that vouchers aren’t a good idea, but it’s not as simple as “just empower the teachers” either.

Maybe if you could figure out an angle to convince them that enacting a specific democratic socialist goal here and there in bits and pieces somehow “owns the libs”.

I’m not a pubic [sic] school teacher and do not claim to have any (or any well-founded) answers