By inventing a TIME MACHINE and not Southern-white-trash-racist-bullying Martin for a fucking year and a half in the first place?
By inventing a TIME MACHINE and not Southern-white-trash-racist-bullying Martin for a fucking year and a half in the first place?
Incognito racist-bullied a shy young black kid until he ruined his life and career and turned him a violent monster. He does *not* want to deal with the mess he made.
Look up the diathesis-stress model of mental illness.
Magic struggled after a period of initial success but is now a $250m per year primary-sales market (with possibly more than that in secondary sales).
Magic has been a “passing fad” for 25 years now. CCG’s are here to stay.
Now, I’m not sure if college really provides a good ROI.
$13k a year is lower than I was expecting! Still - if factory wages have risen 2x and homes 10x, that still a Hell of a PPP (purchasing power parity) bite.
You may note that the experience I just described may have colored my perceptions a bit.
For what it is worth - I have talked to an actual family member of one of the Federal Reserve families.
Main Street has known this for quite some time.
You know, real purchasing power for millenials in terms of homebuying has genuinely declined from what it was, say, before 1980 for all but the very highest brackets of American income.
He’d also like you to sell short on Disney, apparently, despite the massive evidence of commercial success to the contrary.
Hey Hamilton, I made a 1,000% profit over the last two years on the cryptocurrency you screamed bloody murder telling everyone not to buy.
Are you ignoring the violence *we have done to them under the auspices of organized war/”peacekeeping”* since the start of this “War on Terror”?
Muslims believe the Quran is the literal word of Allah, while most Christian denominations believe the Bible is divinely inspired, but ultimately created by men. So Christians don’t need to “update” the Bible because they can throw out the parts they don’t like whenever they want. Muslims don’t have that same liberty.
If some of this is coming from where I possibly think it is - Q has been leading many people on a merry chase, with bits of the truth sprinkled in amongst a lot of flagrant personalitymongering. I would not suggest going down that road further. There are bits and pieces of truth in QAnon’s general body of work - I…
Giuliani was *absolutely* a player. He played everyone, including you - it seems - don’t underestimate the man. His ability to infiltrate this Administration indicates to me that he is one of the greatest threats to democracy running.
Yeah man. I think I would have loved the joint.
We’re now in Great Game territory here; so I feel compelled to ask - what’s your standing in it, and whose faction are you on? You can use pseudonyms or whatever you like, metaphors, but I need some confirmation that you’re not just pissing around - I love this discussion but I can’t in good conscience get too…
So...did or did not MbS have Kashoggi killed? That does lend a new angle on things if true. How do you know this, and do you have new information on that?